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Cytus II

| Anyone hooked on Cytus II?

| Used to. Now I'm just perpetually mad because the DLCs are so bloody expensive and large chunks of the story are locked there.

Dangit Rayark

| >>053e70 Same here.

Just, I get it, but at the same time, just can't afford it…

| Cytus II is good alright
just too expensive

| i hate xenon's guts

| Just crack it g/u/rls
Cant be that hard

| True.. I am considering getting some DLC'S RN! I mean I guess we could also do that

| I really can't find time/place to play rhythm games on the go, and at home I can just play OSU instead, so... Yeah.

| One of the best rhtyhm game on phone, if you are rich

| Cytoid is foss cytus and it's actually pretty good. Check it out.

| Thanks will do!

| >>458644 oh, looks nice and cool. but... just how many people actually play this?

| >>462919 I play this

| I play it! The story is nice and Im tempted to get the dlc characters!

| >>466414
Considering how cheap the base game is, buying one or even two DLC character is pretty fair, I approve.

But anything beyond that is ehhh

| deemo is the best for me~

| Dlcs are good if you are actually interested in the characters, in the game and in the story. I bought ConneR and Xenon.
ConneR is really good if you want more details about the main plot, other than his personal story.
Xenon on the other side is a lot more about himself with not a great number of details about the plot.
ConneR and Xenon used to level cap at 25, for plot reasons, from level 25 onwards, both are required to keep going with their plots.

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1542529311

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