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Pirating games doesn't affect devs

| Unless we are talking about a small indie dev, they dont. whats your take in pirating games?

| Can you properly explain why it doesn't or am I just gonna have to believe you or something. Yes it doesn't affect the dev directly but in an indirect way that's lost money for everyone involved in the project. My take on pirating games is if it's old enough who cares but honestly but if it's brand smacking new it's kinda messed up but you gotta do what you gotta do I guess

| I buy them if they're from smaller devs. It's hard for indie devs to make their way into the market, so I try to support them as best I can.

If the game is from some multimillionaire AAA company churning out the same shit every few years *cough*Bethesda*cough*, then I'm pirating.

| Personally, I'm of the "vote with your wallet" school. So I've no issue with pirating Assassin's Creed, COD or similar games, because the devs are gonna have enough money anyway, there WILL be a sequel and they're shit games anyway, why would you pirate them.
With very old games, you don't even know that the money goes to the devs anymore, so w/e.
But even if they're from big studios, I'd buy fresh games that seem interesting. ex. : Octopath. And never pirate indies, please.

| >>361006
It's not really lost money if the person wasn't going to buy it anyways.

| >>361006 pirated games are null sales, sales that will never exist meaning that no money is lost and since digital games aren't a physical, no inventory is lost so there isn't a loss there either.

| >>361006 when i say that it only affects small dev its because every sell matters and you're directly affecting the dev. A triple A dev will get his/her paycheck at the end of the day no matter if the game got pirated or not

| >>361006 what do you think?

| >>beadcb off-topic but your id looks cool

| Yeah but you're forgetting that these games take actual money to make so in theory yes there is a sort of loss when pirating it

| >>361221 that money will be spent regardless if it is going to be pirated by 0 or 10.000 players.

| Most of the time where I pirate game, it's only to test it. If I like it, I'll buy it later to support the dev.

| >>361221 I get what you’re getting at but again, pirated copies are null sales, most of pirates can’t afford or don’t bother if it isn’t free so there wasn’t a sale there to begin with

| >>361170 sadly my id changed:(

| If you can't afford the game or such a dick that you won't pay for it regardless, it's not lost sale.

Otherwise, it is. And even though no physical object is lost, you're still taking the dev's time and effort of making the games.

In a perfect world, the devs will get paid as much as the time and effort they put into the games, but since we live in a capitalism, some games do better than others in a way that doesn't correlate to that.

| So I think, if you're just barely scraping by to live, anything's fair game.

If you don't have a lot, big games that just keep selling for no darn reason (I'm looking at you GTA V) are also fair to pirate.

If you pirate small indie games even though you can afford it, you're an asshole.

| >>361465
What if I technically can afford it now, but will then have to pretty much survive on dirt and rainwater by the end of the month?

| >>361463 im not talking about if it a dick move or not, ethics aside. If you pirate a game or not the dev will still get payed, how is that a waste of talent and time? The dev doesn’t get paid more or less if the game sales well or not

| >>361465 that’s what I’m saying big triple a titles that sell millions and millions who cares if you pirate a game, but indie devs need those sales, that’s my first comment in this thread

| If only people, that otherwise wouldn't have bought the game, pirate it it's not affecting the devs.
But people that do have the money and only don't buy it because they already have it "for free" are affecting the devs.

| >>361534 Sure the dev will get paid but if the dev isn't making enough money,the company they work for will expect less from him and just give him smaller budget which pay less for the dev or just cast him aside maybe even fire him.

| Actually a lot of game companies pay their employees bonuses based on numbers of sales

| Either case just support the game devs that you like or benefit the industry big or small.

Ignore the EA's support the CD project reds.

Support small man games done with a heart of gold, ignore low budget meme clickbait games.

| >>361535
Gurl chill. I'm not attacking you specifically. Just forming my opinions out loud

Where... where do you think devs get money from? Even if they get external/publisher funding, if the games aren't profitable, it's still a loss (which range from "bankruptcy" to "aren't afforded the budget to make more games of the same quality")

| >>361127
That's the kind of mindset I really cannot stand. They weren't going to buy it anyway because they already intended to pirate it from the get go.

| >>363114 still doesn't change the fact that pirated copy =/= lost sales.

| >>363115 Well we can go back and forth on this for ages but I don't think we can convince each other otherwise. Reading this thread and having had this same discussion elsewhere previously... I know hi ow stubborn and stuck in your ways you pirates are. C'est le vie, I suppose.

That said, obviously I disagree. Pirating does in fact = lost sales.

| If a pirate was not able to pirate the game they wanted they would be more likely to just buy it, so piracy = lost sales
Y'all are just cheap and pretending you're "Noble thieves" to inflate your own egos

| If you pirate a game, you're a dumbass


| >>363116 I own more than a hundred games on steam, this is what people like you don't get, saying pirated copy =/= lost sales doesn't make you a pirate. Yes, I do pirate once in a while when I am not sure the game worth my time or not, but when I do like it, I but it. If the game has a demo, I wouldn't do this "pirate testing", thing is most AAA avoid demo because it has been proven that demo will decrease sales.

| >>363126 that depends on the individual. I live in third world country, it was a daily practice to pirate ps2 games. When ps3 kicked in and there were "no way" to pirate it, a lot of people just gave up on playing new games instead of buying ps3.

Saying pirated copy =/= lost sales, isn't implying that pirate are noble thieves, it just make "muh moral" people like you butthurt

Having the mindset pirated copy = lost sales will make dev put 3rd party DRM, which hurts paying customer

| why do shithead pirates always fall back on the "moralfag" comment
it's not even about morals, it's about you all pretending you're not just doing this shit to please yourselves
can't afford video games? get a fucking hobby, or play free games
nobody is forcing you to play these games and if you want to play them so much then guess what! your piracy is unjustified anyways!

| you all throw things around but are so transparent, everybody sees through your shit and knows why you actually do these things

| Op here, I know piracy is unjustified, I agree with if you can’t afford something get a job and I know it’s inmoral, totally agree. What I’m debating here is that a triple a dev isn’t affected by piracy, devs get their money from the companies that hire them, the percentage of pirated copies doesn’t even compare to sold copies, no triple a title has ever failed because of piracy because is minuscule, most of people that can afford the games buy them because it’s easier and faster.

| Here’s a article talking about it

| >>363167 pretty much this, i couldn't care less about triple a piraters but fuck people who pirate indie games

| >>363157 because no one brought up morality before people that against piracy lose the argument and resort to "you are just pretending to be a noble thieves".

| the real joke is you think them calling out pirates fake hero attitude means they lost
but pirates always think they're smart so I don't expect to be changing any minds

| >>363157
>It's not about morals
>Care about what a bunch of strangers that you will most likely never meet in your life time

| don't see how those two are remotely related bud

| again, nothing to do with morals.
hell, even I've pirated a game or two in the past
I'm just sick of y'all acting like you're not basically the equivalent of shoplifting teenagers when you do it

| >>363206
The thing is, pirates really aren't the equivalent of that for many a reason. I'm not saying piracy is good, heck no it isn't, but it really isn't the same.

| >>03bd6b

A: I am sick of you because I think your viewpoint in this matter is wrong.
B: How can you tell if thing is right or wrong? It's my viewpoint
A: Well, I apply my own mora- oh nvm, I know it is wrong because IT IS wrong.

| man just admit you only care about getting free games
idk why you're still going on about morality lol I'm just calling you out for pretending you're doing anything other than being cheap
when I used to pirate it was because, woah, I was too cheap to pay for things. I wanted things and couldn't afford them so instead of doing other things, I just downloaded them
and that was it, no morals involved, no talk of devs because I didnt need to justify it, I knew I was doing it for myself

| now I buy games because I can afford to and because I play a lot of niche titles that I'd love to continue seeing localized(woah, you mean devs aren't the only factor? crazy)
and those AAA games succeed for a reason, too. people like them, people want them, that's why they make them
and that's because people bought them in the first place to get them that popular
for that matter, what about new IPs? do sales not affect survival of a new IP?

| but you'll probably just come in and say another few empty lines, throw the word "moral" in there and pretend you made an argument

| >>03bd6b

>Aahaha I am on too high of a moral horse to refute your argument, you won't understand my SMRT argument anyways, you are just a stupid pirate

>lol it's fine for me to assume and generalize pirates, just admit it, you are just a cheap bastard. But if pirates assume that I am a moral warriors, no they are wrong, no, I won't admit it.

| hey look you threw moral around again
very impressed, didn't see that coming

| you have yet to respond to anything I've actually said except try to call me a moralfag this whole time, I don't know why I'm even bothering to feed the troll

| >>363223
Yeah, that sums it up rather well.
I'm still on my way to moving away from piracy, but there's too many games (more than I could afford to buy, thanks to expensive af university) coming out that I'm interested in, so I usually pirate them all, check them out for a few hours, then decide which one I'll buy after getting my paycheck
Still pirate games full-time on my DS, because they cost an arm and a leg and usually are impossible to get (no ebay or amazon delivery here)

| >>363240 because you yourself is trolling by wanting to have a cake and eat it too.

>Those dang dirty pirates... no, I'm not a moral warrior, it is just my opinion is an universal truth

| >>363243 man ds games have no business being as expensive as they are, that seems completely fair lol
plus those are old games at this point anyways

| man it's not an opinion that people pirate because they don't want to pay for a game

if they wanted to pay for a game they would pay for it

also try before you buy is perfectly valid

| >>363249 eh, not really. Go to games with denuvo on steam, search for denuvo discussion, go find people that say "I won't buy this because it has denuvo" or "I will pirate this because it has denuvo" you go click on their profile and see that they are not that cheap for a few AAA games.

I've pirated shit just because it is an EA game and I refuse to give them money.

| Look... You're acquiring a copy of something that's worth money. I don't care for what reason or how, but if you acquire it without paying money, you either have a legit product that was gifted to you... Or you stole it.

>see next post

| HOWEVER, you might be right in the sense that it doesn't affect DEVS, but only when we're talking about devs that have a fixed income. Why the fuck? Because they WERE paid to make it, not to sell it.

Now... Why would any dev NOT have a fixed income? That's easy: they don't have a company that invests in them.

| Op here, gurls go fuck yourselves, I’m trying to have civil debate in here and all of you are just fighting.

| Now, morals is something else, and also the fact that there's no demo version...

| >>363275 finally! Thank you!

| >>363274
I would, but I'd be late for work, cuz I'm a really demanding g/u/rl in regards to furrack :/

| >>363276
You're welcome ^^

| But don't get me started on ethics or morals or whatever the fuck else, because in the state of denial that some of these g/u/rls seem to be, there would be no endAND IM REALLY FUCKING LATE SO I GOTTAGO BAI HAVE A GREAT BROWSING THIS BOARD
>fast as fuk ✩«-~(┛`д´)┛

| Someone said to get a hobby/get a job. I have 2 full time jobs.
Hobbies are more expensive than video games (usually).
I can't afford rent by myself, and I have food stamps/assistance. No heat in the winter except for the computer. The electric is provided by the landlord.

I feel that it would be morally acceptable for me to pirate anything digital because of how little I'm able to save, and it helps keep me warm in the winter.

What do you g/u/rls think?

| >>361164 while I agree that pirating hardly affects AAA devs, this is not true. There are plenty of pirates who, if not given the chance to pirate a game, would buy it instead. If pirating were somehow impossible then sales would go up.

| I actually hope, that pirating on Switch will stay undiscovered for a while
With older consoles I jave no problem pirating

| >>363274 you are long gone and irrelevant in this topic, give it up

| >>363400
I sense b8

| >>363400 Yeah this gurl is just trolling ignore her

| Why do people list drm as a reason to pirate?
If people weren't pirating I doubt drm would be a thing
Cause and effect are mixed up here

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