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Times you died a little inside because something something in video games.

| I'll start.
-98 in 4 hits.
-96 damage, enemy has killed you by headshot with a Groza.

| 100 damage by that fucking ogre in darkest dungeon then death blow by that fast tiny little motherfucker piece of shit that was my favorite hero goddamit

| The entirety of Nier Automata ;_;

| I learned that 1 fully charged shot from hanzo, when I, a sombra had 3/4ths health, kills you, and was thoroughly salted on Mystery Heroes

| When Emily died in Deadly Premonition. Holy. Shit. I CRIED LIKE A FUCKING BABY AT THAT ENDING SCENE. ;_;

| 46-46 double spec

| When I lost my first ship in eve online. Forget which one, but I spent forever saving for it.

| When Capcom cancelled Megaman Legends 3.

| This went from pissed to sad really fast 0.0

| The entirety of The Talos Principle... The piano music, the apocalyptic themes, everyone just coming to terms with their end. I genuinely could not finish this fucking video game.

>>288960 it's OK, you get to shoot at a blueberry to make up for that. How do I spoilers BTW?

| Ys Seven's ending.

| When a good game end. I'm looking at you Witcher 3

| 1 x miss
98.33% acc
top 51.

| I lose Yoshi off a cliff when I accidentally hit Y

| Realise that the game you want to support and play is bad because the Community is shit, or the developers are just downright greedy/incompetent.

| I collected all the collectables from far cry 4 then close the game for a well deserved good night sleep, turns out it didn't save shit

| Everything related to the Souls games that happened after 2012.

| Tales of berseria

| >>289036 you do and then when you finish you add the same box but with / before spoiler

| or just using [ spoiler]

| works

| but [/spoiler] ends it if you want to carry on using normal text

| >>289642 ah, so i go bepis bepis and that's it? Neat. Sucks there isn't a preview for this

| >>289744 yeah, kinda sucks, I'll be honest, maybe we could push this suggestion forward?

| When I accidentally sold my dog in the first nintendog

| Not game specific, but accidentally erasing, overwriting, or erasing a save.

| The end of mgs 3 and my entire attempt at completing xcom2 ironman on commander, one day... One day

| The loading on my p5 save broke so i had to go back to okumera's palace.


| When I triggered the Bomb Save glitch in SCIII.

I had everything unlocked....

| Sayori.

| >>290625 make two saves and alternate between them everytime you save

| That part in Muv-Luv Alternative
You know the one

| >>290548 man same here, I remember the first time I finished that final fight. (I didn't realize that you had to pull the trigger yourself) , the boss is probably one of my favorite video game characters

| When i accidental deleted my true 100% complete save in Nier automata without having a backup.

| Dying Light has this wall climb/jump skill where you automatically jump off a wall you're climbing. It's incredibly impractical and always happens at the worst times. What makes it worse is that the animation for climbing is similar to the wall climb, so you can easily jump off a tower you've been climbing for a while and die. It is inevitable.

| Carley died...by a fucking bitch...in the middle of nowhere...fucking devs.


| >>291101 No the loading broke, i couldn't progress properly.
>probably cuz of my mods.

| X-Com 2, Fire Emblem, Mercenaries, Tactics Ogre, the list goes on. That 95% chance to hit going south, or in FE Echoes it just happened yesterday where at the end of a dungeon I got hit with a 3% chance crit, install kill, all progress lost.

| MGS3 Ending.


| 100% chance to hit


| Death of the Outsider high chaos ending. The vulnerability & hurt in the Outsider's eyes made me die inside.

| Dark Souls curse mechanic

| Marksmanship stat 100
Still missing a 3 ft away target...

| That one time in DS2 I forgot about soul memory and lost 2mil souls because of my attachment to the Ruler Greatsword.

| That time when I damned an entire civilization of fairly nice, lovable people to eternal darkness and corruption just so I could let a little blue haired, cat-like, pancake loving child go back home to see their mother again...

| >>295531 what game is that?

| >>295560

| League

| First play through of P4G. Knew most of the plot beforehand, but did not know the game essentially ends after Valentines. S A L T

| >>a49f0e Lost my only Arbalest from the Hag potting her first and then doing that aoe once she got out...girl was on half of my boss killing teams. Including the team that killed the previous Hag.

Total number of posts: 50, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1527313091

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