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Fastest way to make a visual novel?


| Uhh, strap something together in renpy, I guess. Unless there's actually some kinda drag and drop VN builder out there.

| renpy, vnmaker

| Use paper and stickers

| > Be winged cloud
> Hire artist without really paying them
> Release The game on steam with tits in the thumbnails
> Capitalize the joke positive reviews such as "Sorry mom, I disappointed you"
> Make your 2nd game, add "santa", "space", or any random words to the title
> Change the hair and eye color of the characters
> Pretend that they are a different character
> Put boobs in cover again
> Repeat

| Unity if you want to be ambitious. They have some fairly helpful plugins for making events and organising conversation trees.

But it really depends on what type of vn you making fam.

| >>226150
I really don't think you need Unity for some run of the mill VN, just seems so excessive tbh.

| renpy for sure

| >>8dcf9a really depends. If it making John cena mememage then anything will do.

| Like, literally? Probably Twine. Hella fast and great for branching stories with little/no coding and stolen images off of Google.

| Renpy

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1523137818

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