skullgirls somehow in trouble yet again

| tldr dev team wants to be paid after working on it for basically free for a year and that's the legal battle

tbh i'm just posting this to say i'm weirdly okay if it finally "dies" for good after that recent nonsense with the artbook and pearl clutching about filia's panties and a few other weird art changes. It sucks for the people still passionate about it but it feels a little deserved after all that shit. Sooooo much bad faith argument going around from ppl projecting hard.

| elona

| >>1048698 that game is still being developed? I genuinely didn't know that. And damn, maybe it really should die if devs aren't getting paid. Hate it when publishers or whoever pulls off shit like this

| Game lost a giant portion of its soul when the ousted Mike z. Yeah he was a fucking weirdo ten thousand percent but at least he made his vision instead of stealing someone else's

| >>1048738 him and Alex Ahad, yeah. It's very clear they're both big reasons why the game was as good as it was.

Oh well, I know Ahad is doing his thing on patreon (I hope at some point he does skullgirls stuff more often) and hopefully Mike gets his head straight and continues to make cool shit somehow.

| Hope they get paid. Those devs have been through way too much shit and are still dedicated. I respect that

| Here's an article for those looking for context:

I haven't played Skullgirls in ages but yeah, big shame what's been happening with it. I hope the devs can get their dues and move on. 13 years is a long enough time for a game to keep getting updated.

| Mike z is working on a new game called Diesel Legacy for anyone interested.
Also a in depth video about the skullgirls scandal called "the unsolved mystery of skullgirls" if you wanna know a bit more about that.

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