Obscure Apps

| Anyone got any fun or interesting obscure mobile games?

| elona

| la/u/ncher

| lol

| Elin

| Not sure how obscure it is, and I haven't played this particular entry, but Epic Battle Fantasy 5. It's a whole ass "j"rpg that's completely free from start to finish. It's not live-service shit but an actual videogame, that's rare in non-paid games

| I highly suggest the Alter Ego series if you don't mind something quite emotional and heavy. But its a really really nice experience.

| Danger/u/

| Maybe check the games category on F-Droid?

| I only have 2 games on my phone. Stardew Valley and Katawa Shoujo, the second one can be found on F-Droid.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1742428197

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