
| Why is the Onyx Blaster believed a good gun?

| Good ammo usage, great aoe, does more damage than listed on the tool tip

| just use yoyo
red won't nerf them

| Is the game any fun? I've had it for years but never played it.

| >>1048463 I play it with a friend of mine. That is really fun.

| elona

| Ih, u are playing Terraria, u are terrarist

| >>1048607 badumtis

| I tried to get into Terraria by playing on the 3DS and on PC, but I just cant get into it

| The one on the 3DS I dunno. Terraria on anything but Pc seems wrong to me.
Now the PC one I really love. It can be a bit slow in the beginning but once you get past that... which usually just requires you to find hermes boots... then the game kinda opens up and gets really fun!

| >>1048886 I never knew they released it on 3DS as well :O

| >>1048463
I've been wondering the same thing but none of my friends wants to play it so I never bothered to purchase.

| It's a blast exploration is great in that game, difficulty loop is so well paced and once you beat it the modding scene has so many end game expansion stuff

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1742474480

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