Post number #1047537, ID: e77de5
Is way too expensive and I've heard the PC version doesn't run well, but also this game is so fun I'm having a lovely time I never played the old ones that much, only dabbled, and I played like half of Worlds with some friends around when Iceborne dropped, but this one has really grabbed me Going back and forth between bow and glaive and it just feels so smooth to play, just started getting into high rank Have you gurls been playing? What weapons you using and what's your thoughts?
Post number #1047545, ID: 5ac0f3
Post number #1047633, ID: 766a45
Its great. Playing on pc an things could be running better but that issue might be my pc. I'm using glaive and hunting horn mostly and overall loving the game. Excited for title updates and the inevitable expansion.
Post number #1047667, ID: e77de5
>>1047633 Hell yeah! Fellow glaive user! I've mainly been using bow, but been pulling out the glaive when I feel like it and it's so fun in this game. Been considering learning horn. How is it in this game? Btw I think they're supposed to do some performance related updates eventually, so might not be a you problem
Post number #1047678, ID: ed71ae
Lance player here, and yeah wilds is really expensive, but it is totally worth the price. It's kinda weird how mainstream monster hunter is now though.
Post number #1047686, ID: e77de5
>>1047678 It is lol, but it makes sense. Lobbies where you can hang out alone or with friends, solid mechanics, back and forth between chill and intense, a big grind to work on. It's the exact kinda thing that sounds like it should be a mainstream hit, and now after like 25yrs or whatever it is
Post number #1047854, ID: ea4975
>>1047667 The horn is awesome. A bit of a learning curve when trying to accurately hit and line notes up for songs but when you get used to it the payoff feels great, and the new echo bubbles are tons of fun to use.
Post number #1047955, ID: 3dd4f6
I love Wilds a lot. I breezed through many fights, but they all still felt great. I'm looking forward to what Capcom does in the next updates and expansion.
Post number #1048033, ID: e77de5
>>1047854 Tried it a bit and there's definitely a learning curve yeah, but I can definitely see the appeal. I never knew different horns had access to different melodies, there's so much variety
>>1047955 Yeah same! Wasn't exactly hard but the mechanics feel amazing to use and I'm definitely noticing things ramping up in HR
Post number #1048043, ID: f21e8e
I'm avid World player, is Wilds fun?
Post number #1048051, ID: e77de5
>>1048043 I'm personally enjoying Wilds way more than I did World. Just feels like World but with more quality of life and better combat. It's a good time
Post number #1048130, ID: d21abd
I was playing MH Gen on swtich in anticipation for this game. But then I think by the time finish the master rank quests I'm going to be burnt out on monster hunter. It was pretty surreal playing the beta and spotting "new" animations that started as hunter arts/styles in Gen being retooled into different attacks. It was also surprisingly playable at 20-25fps, but I would prolly hold off till I get a better PC anyways.
Post number #1048133, ID: d21abd
another thing about the older games is that it feels like it's easier for me to read a monsters animations. Could just be intuition but despite the monsters themselves being slower and telegraphing their attacks more after world, the environments and added detail felt cluttered.
Post number #1048134, ID: e77de5
>>1048133 While I haven't really played the old ones I've seen some fights and that definitely makes sense. Simpler graphics and stuff makes things very easy to read. Wilds is definitely a bit chaotic, but also by now I'm used to it. You can learn patterns pretty quickly, though it's often less about reading the current move and more about reading the next. Learning what the monster is most likely to do when it's acting how it currently is, if that makes sense
Post number #1048135, ID: e77de5
I can definitely see the older games having a different appeal than the new ones despite having the same core. Wilds is a very fast game. Personally I love that though
Total number of posts: 15,
last modified on:
Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1741841010
| Is way too expensive and I've heard the PC version doesn't run well, but also this game is so fun I'm having a lovely time
I never played the old ones that much, only dabbled, and I played like half of Worlds with some friends around when Iceborne dropped, but this one has really grabbed me
Going back and forth between bow and glaive and it just feels so smooth to play, just started getting into high rank
Have you gurls been playing? What weapons you using and what's your thoughts?