Post number #1047030, ID: 1b8c18
I'm asking for something really niche here. But I wanna know what other games there are out there that have mechanics based around making a wish or some kind of request that's out of the player's hands. The best example I know of is D&D where a DM interprets it and acts on it. But that's not a vidya! Second best i can think of is Fear and Hunger where you write certain messages onto empty scrolls to ask the gods for items or to teach you skills.
Post number #1047031, ID: 1b8c18
Other notable games include nethack and caves of qud which function kinda similarly with their wishes. Moonring is an honorable mention. It doesn't have "wishes" per se but moreso different actions that can earn you favor with gods who will sometimes reward you. They really make the gods feel like actual entities you're personally interacting with (and sort of are kind of)
Post number #1047037, ID: 63d927
Actually elona
Post number #1047038, ID: 63d927
elin too I guess these two game have an actual Theology system around gods worshiping
Post number #1047053, ID: 3bd444
I mean Scribblenauts is the GOAT of this very specific thing
Post number #1047111, ID: 1b8c18
>>1047037 yeahhhi remember it having something like that but elona just wasn't really my thing unfortunately
>>1047053 you're so right actually brb buying the scribblenauts collection on my switch
Post number #1047135, ID: bbe421
>>1047111 unmasked is such a scam and works mostly as an ad
Post number #1047159, ID: 35e3d6
>>63d927 All these years elona posting finally paid off
Post number #1047164, ID: 86ca0f
>>1047159 2025 is insane
Post number #1047182, ID: 49810e
not sure if this counts but in a few SMT games you can beg demons to give you shit or to spare you life. I know in SMT IV it leads to funny convsations where they would get annoyed and if you do it enough they might get fed up with your shit and leave the battle.
Post number #1047183, ID: c734cc
>>1047182 "few"? g/u/rl this is the series's staple, every mainline SMT games have this mechanic.
Didn't think of it that way but yeah I guess demon conversation fits the op's definition. It's not really random, each demon have their own temperament and such and you can guess which dialogue will make them happy or make them hate your guts.
Total number of posts: 11,
last modified on:
Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1741317467
| I'm asking for something really niche here. But I wanna know what other games there are out there that have mechanics based around making a wish or some kind of request that's out of the player's hands. The best example I know of is D&D where a DM interprets it and acts on it. But that's not a vidya! Second best i can think of is Fear and Hunger where you write certain messages onto empty scrolls to ask the gods for items or to teach you skills.