What's everyones favourite h-game?:3

| I honestly dont know if I could pick a true favourite but top of the list is: Snow Daze, Huniepop 2 (the baggage feature really adds to it! Makes it feel realer, and tougher! >:3), definitely looking more into Clockups work and Alicesofts. What are yall playing? :3

| Wow have virtual sex and have fun! I made friends with this right wing guy online and he told me I was ok not to finish evencycle because it eroticizes rape and humiliation of nice girls too much- maybe he was right. I’m glad the protagonist got to help those girls by having sex with them though! My pick for this question is instead song of saya! I think it told a fairly true story, that sometime accepting a love cannot be is worth not hurting others.

| Oooh interesting maybe I’ll finish it some time

| I def gotta play Rance and Evenicle at some point. I really would like to, even with the japanese games having so much rape lol

| I only wish Rance/Evenicle was playable on mobile. I wanna play that shit in bed haha

| Karryns prison is fantastic

| I'm a sucker for big tits. Wish mine were bigger so seeing them in games, especially w protagonists is always cool <3

| >>1046027
I used to RDP to a desktop hehe

| >>37ed2b
I had joiplay at one point but it sucked to get some games to work on it :/ Evenicle 2 wouldnt transfer right at all TToTT

| does anyone have recs for PC 98 eroge? i want to experience the vaunted peak of pixel art

| >>1046310 look up old alicesoft title like Rance 1-4, early toushin toshi or some in the other games section here https://alicesoft.miraheze.org/wiki/Translation_project there are also plenty of erotic mahjong games list somewhere too

| I forgot Kichikuou Rance, this might literally be the best pc-98 game in that era. Imagine late ps2 game in ps3 era like persona 4

| Byakuren and the Succubus Castle is great as a metroidvania platformer, and you can even beat it without sex scenes. I'd say the same thing about Youmu and the Dungeon of Lewd Creatures however that game has too much maze and long levels and it punishes you severely. You need to 100% it without ever taking any aphrodisiac damage or it's over and you'll be a tentacle slut even though you've never kissed a boy before.

| There were also flash games based on Playshapes' Mario is Missing. It initially introduced me to porn.
Peach's Untold Tale was the most complete, however it was cancelled because Nintendo sent cease letter about 7 years ago. It suffered from performance issues because it's a game on flash that has a lot of layers. Idk why they didn't migrate it to a different engine considering it lags no matter what computer you have.

| Before I got into AI there was also Koikatsu, however I found it too limiting despite how liberating it was to other hentai avatar makers.
I sometimes still use it for img2img, but the game is too bloated and takes forever to load.

| I tried eraTouhou but I don't like how much text if throws at you. I'm better off with some ai chat bot cyoa

| True Love

| >>1046310 for you ^^^^

| Wooden Lotion

| wooden ocean

| Daisenka. This game fucked my mental system


| 100% daisenka, also black souls II

| daisenka CGs is amazing

| ^ true gigachads.

| >>1047165 yeah. I like g(rape) people

| miserable tragic heroine... ahh erotic..

| Favorite series might be Oppai Academy. I hope the maid one comes out soon in English. They're making a bunny one too apparently.

| Black Souls, Fear & Hunger, LonaRPG.
These are rape RPGMaker games.

| >>1047368 Fear and hunger :skull:

| The succubus games (tower, sword, etc) and i like the robolife games

| Degrees of lewdity is the rape fantasy equivalent of a crpg. Even though i don't particularly like the setting, every other game that has you unlocking sex or defeat scenes feels trite next to it. Why do so few games offer deep sex combat and meaningful c&c beyond lewd stats go up?

| Banned from Equestria Daily

| Ayuru Crisis

| monster girl quest (the original), still need to play paradox but i'm waiting until the TL is done

| >>4dbabf
oh no

| >>1047648 unfathomably based.

| specific nostalgia shoutouts to Robozou: Doll Play, old japanese (I assume) flash game about taking control of a set of girls (including your mom, sister, teacher, and two others) and making them fuck you or prepare themselves to be fucked by you.

despite being way too specific in what you need to do to progress, I always liked it and kinda wished I could find more of whatever that group might've made outside of it, and/or see it remade to be a bit less frustrating to progress in.

| Genshin Impact

| >>1048044 given the internet nowadays there probably are dumbasses who'd count that as a porn game

| Oh yeah forgot to mention modded honey select 2 and Koikatsu. Miconisomi games are pretty good goon material too.

Total number of posts: 41, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1741832777

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