Post number #1043934, ID: 5b271e
Playing Braverly Defualt w the 3D of the 3ds gives BGs the vibe of a miniature set or a ship in a bottle. The camera would zoom out on the town landscape. You'd see the constant sway of the windmill/tower with npcs, lights of shops, houses etc scuttered around streets. Ik the game is using some 2.5 D texutre trickery. But makes me sad that the 3ds came out it in a era were fixed camera angles and pre-rendered Bgs were mostly gone.
Post number #1043938, ID: 7fd8d7
Post number #1044006, ID: 826878
if I had a PS3 in the 90's, I would win the console war!
Post number #1044040, ID: 0ed736
i always thought the original system shock was great. i dont know anyone thats ever played it though, it got overshadowed by its sequel. the controls and graphics are rough, but if it were made closer to today, man.. literally ahead of its time, unfortunately
Post number #1044069, ID: 4a3523
>>1043934 Pre-rendered backgrounds need a resurgence tbh, I feel like so many games could benefit from being developed with more technical limitations
Post number #1044486, ID: 699613
>>1044006 If I had a Philips CDi in 14. century it would win a console war!
Post number #1044526, ID: 7be465
I'd really wanna see that rune drawing/combination system from Arx Fatalis in a more modern game eith more development time. The system was very very flawed but incredibly cool amd engaging. Having that in a game with more polish and with more runes and combos would be incredible.
Total number of posts: 7,
last modified on:
Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1740018581
| Playing Braverly Defualt w the 3D of the 3ds gives BGs the vibe of a miniature set or a ship in a bottle. The camera would zoom out on the town landscape. You'd see the constant sway of the windmill/tower with npcs, lights of shops, houses etc scuttered around streets.
Ik the game is using some 2.5 D texutre trickery. But makes me sad that the 3ds came out it in a era were fixed camera angles and pre-rendered Bgs were mostly gone.