What game are you into right now? 2

| I liked this thread. Keep the games comin'

| Naw

| I've been playing through Dark Souls III with a friend, it's really fun! I tried it once before but only got as far as the Abyss Watchers, fingers crossed I can beat it this time if I believe in myself (and have some help from my friend who's much better at the game than me).

| Kingdom Hearts franchise (the two HD collections + KH3) in chronological order and I'm having a very lovely time, these games are so fun

| Fortnite and Rocket League for Miku
Hearthstone and Fall Guys as usual
Re:verse for fomo

| I plugged in my old NES but damn the input lag makes it almost unplayable.

| Dragonball xenoverse 2.

| I'm playing Earthbound after many years. The first time I played it, the last place left me feeling unsettle.

| >>1043153 i still need to finish mother 3

| I’ve been playing Dwarf Fortress, Delta Rune, and Kingdom Hearts lately. All good shit.

| I started playing Voices of the Void again.
It still baffles me that this game is free even tho it has more content than... well... so many games. lol
It also baffles me how this is both the most hilarious... and scary game I've played in years.

| elona

| i just bought p3re, p5 and smtv recently n so far been doin pretty alr. smtv feels surreal and p3re is so nice to look at

| I have picked up again Madness: Proyect Nexus; pretty good stuff thanks Krinkels and Swain

| >>1043464
I played that : D I like all the guns bang bang bang throw!!!

| Europa Universalis IV
Space Engineers

| Zenless Zone Zero

| Work has been tough recently, so I've been playing a browser based basketball management game called ZenGM.

As an aside, I hope they announce Persona 6 in the state of play today or I'm gonna crash out.

| Metal gear solid 1

| gf dragged me back into destiny 2 and im already in deep again :/

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1739402570

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