Heads up you’re not trans

| You’re not trans.
You can’t be
You aren’t
You never will be
You’re un-trans
You posting about being happy is a lie
People are waking up
No one likes you or wants to talk to you They just pretend on your discords, real men who have no one are less lonely than you behind your mask, at least we can laugh and share something real
You’re going to men’s prison just like you put our society in a prison of forcing gender and pronouns

With that out of the way, let’s talk games g/u/ys!

| Nigga I'm injecting YOU with an estrogen syringe right in your jugular until you get a nice pair of buns and THEN fucking said buns until you identify yourself as a cumdump

That being said, I don't get the hype around Fallout 1 and 2 I think they did NOT survive the test of time

| Then how would you else would you categorize unsaturated fats made with partially hydrogenated oils?


| elona

| >>1042850
You wouldn’t dare! You probably only have fake trans estrogen that doesn’t work and you wouldn’t have sex

Fallout are bad games because you meet a million people and then do some brief shit then leave them. Real relationships spend hours with each other and would help you out irl. RPG characters don’t care about me or ever call me or anything. They can’t be trans either! And you still aren’t!

I wouldn’t! They’re just oils!

| >>1042843 yet maw said trans rights when I pumped her last night.

| >>1042843 I don't think you've ever felt the touch of a real woman.

| >>1042878 here's hoping she continues to slay trans bussy, then

| Can you also tell me how kingdom come deliverance 2 having the gays is the fall of wester civilization please

| >>1042878 >woman
overhyped slop

| >>1042877
Nope! She’s a transphobe just like I am!
That makes you soft! I’m glad I never will so I’m never going to be thinking trans is ok
You’re not trans either!
Gay isn’t ok either! It snaps me out of the game where I feel strong and makes me FREAK OUT that’s why I don’t play modern games. I’m a homophoebe! I’m SCARED of trans and gay and I avoid it any time I can and I don’t think it should be allowed! Yeah! Games should be about being strong

| Hey! Reply to me! I’m bored!!

| I know you’re reading this! Reply right now!

| This is the last fucking straw I’m going to go outside and rip my head off with my bare hands if you don’t reply to me in the next 5 minutes

| >>1042914 Hello fellow sped, nice bait you got there.

| >>1042914 you're glad you'll never feel the touch of a woman?

Oh so you like men?

| I mean if you like gurgling balls then more power to you.

| >>1042843 based op. Based af op. Transtrenders need to hear it

| >>1042981 samefag

| >>1042981 I think the OP hates you too so the pick me act won't fly.

| >>1042982 >>1042983 every accusation an admission, huh

| >>1042992 kekw, let the mentally ill know it king

| Hi this is Kevin’s mom. I found him this morning with his head in his hands ripped clean off his spine and this site open on his computer. You people are evil for exposing him to trans and hurting his feelings and making him feel upset and lonely and weak and bad. I hope you realize you killed a nice young man and stop being trans and saying things which make others feel bad! Kevin is dead now because of you and I’m a mother so you better listen!

| >>1042935
Thank you for being nice but Kevin was very ashamed of his mental difficulties. I hope you will consider maybe sliding into that more slowly in the future and maybe going to do something together next time away from bad trans influences. I hope a nice young man like you will not end up like my beloved son

| >>1042979
Kevin had not, though we taught him to be a good feminist and respect women and not bother them or intrude on their spaces and apologize. If he had been gay that would’ve been beautiful and we could have made fun of gross cishet men together.

But lol gargling balls I’ll have to share that with my friends. No one with any sense would ever actually admit to that kind of thing, it’s gross to talk about-let alone do! You can be trans today for that.

| Goodbye, listen to your mothers who accept you, unless you were really hateful and evil by making us feel uncomfortable. don’t be stupid and mentally ill by not being our perfect pets which agree with everything we say and shape your lives around that. Misogyny is a very serious problem! So why would you want to be trans anyway? Probably because you’re a stupid man, we laughed at

| and excluded you before for wanting to dominate the world and us you gross rapist, when everyone knows good people are the ones who get raped and encourage others to as well. Don’t victim blame! We laughed at and will exclude you even if you were cis for being crazy if you stand up for women (who deserved to get hurt) or a pickme for standing up for men you loser dumb gross bitch. Want to care a little? You can be a ‘strong woman’- that’s where you’re ‘snarky’

| which is the very important ritual where you don’t meaningfully confront issues, but try to raise your status by showing disrespect towards others who are doing actual work for things they care about and bullying everyone into ignoring anything but your own interests. Women are oppressed despite being right and more capable about everything, but go along with silly gross men doing massive harm anyway because we’re better than them

| and only silly people fight for anything or state things outright or care or have passion for anything but the things approved, and at the appropriate level. It’s not ok to have sex with women anyway, they’re only putting up with gross men and fighting back when they harass you.

| you can't unfuck your mom (or dad)


| >31 omitted
Everyone here is just /all/ lurker. Maid should've closed this thread already.

| Well played.

| >>1043070 you'll never be a maid

| >>1043070 why would they close it?

Total number of posts: 35, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1739043616

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