They admitted it

| Dragon age the veilguard was a big financial flop

| elona

| >>1041554 elin

| Why are people supposed to care about a game being a financial flop? It's not a secret that like 50% of recent AAA games have been financial failures. The game industry has been horribly managed for ages

| ok

| >>1041670 because i am hopeful and want for people to make decent games again. I want to see a triple a studio announce something and be excited, not for ray tracing that nukes my frames, or having the "evil" play through cut or just be me name calling. It's so sad that the closest I can get are asian made games. I want to support studios in my country but they are all so far gone

| >>1041747
that age is over anon be fr jus move to indie games thats where you’ll find it and asian games ofc

| >>1041554
elona gay

| >>1041747 idk anon. I see no signs of healing from these AAA studios. All i can hope for is to see them crash and burn. Surely some good will rise after the crash.

| >>1041747
Okay then buy indie games and asian AAA games like the rest of us and the trash companies will either continue on their current trajectory and self-destruct or see what games people actually fw and learn from those. I doubt they will though cause I can't think of a singular era in gaming where big american companies have been putting out better shit than independent studios or east asian companies. Individualist money first mentalities lead only to shit products, not art

| That game was a complete joke. I don't even understand how they even look at those cutscenes and say "You know what? This is good, let's publish it".

| >>1041853 ?????? Like 90s-2010s western devs kicked everyone's ass.

| >>1041877 100% ikr I'm just in shocked that no leaks happened disparaging it cuz that's what normally happens with disgruntled devs

| >>1041892
And Japanese companies didn't?? Be so fr gurl, in no world is old Bethesda and ID or whatever beating out Square, Nintendo, Capcom, etc
What western games from 90s-2010s is better than the classics from that era that came out of Japan? Or more iconic? Or more creative? Or more innovative?

| >>1042014
world of warcraft, sid meier's civilization, doom, quake, unreal, commandos, worms, heroes, lemmings, max payne, thief, diablo, system shock, HALF LIFE, grand theft auto, the sims, sim city, rollercoaster tycoon, theme hospital, dune, age of empires, starcraft, warcraft, tomb raider, command & conquer, tony hawks pro skater, mortal kombat, crash bandicoot, jedi knight, deus ex, vtmb, riven, blade runner, earthworm jim, ultima, every crpg ever, every game from rareware

| >>1042014
the elder scrolls, gothic, clayfighter, everquest, populus, oddworld, myst, beyond good and evil, outcast, rise of nations, empire earth, sacrifice, portal, left4dead, fahrenheit, gears of war, minesweeper

| avp, red faction

| >>1042015 >>1042016
And those games are better and more iconic than the Final Fantasy franchise, Pokémon franchise, Legend of Zelda, Dragon Quest, Castlevania, fucking Mario, Resident Evil, Soul Calibur, Shenmue, Demon's Souls, Fire Emblem, Armored Core, Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear, SMT, Sonic, Kingdom Hearts, Chrono Trigger, Kirby, Street Fighter, Tekken, Metroid, Monster Hunter, Mega Man, Harvest Moon, Silent Hill, Devil May Cry, Touhou, Katamari Damacy, etc?

| Like yeah there's been a lot of good games from western devs, classics even, but a lot of the games you mentioned have aged like shit and haven't had nearly the impact that japanese games have had on the medium

| >>1042022
moving the goalpost much, weeb? ever since you claimed that id hasnt been influential to gaming i stopped taking you seriously so take off your rose colored megane and admit that the same can be said of early square games

not only have western crpgs made its mark on the gaming industry i say its influences are more prevalent today than jrpgs. besides, many of the games you listed were western inspired or even copies of western games, though i admit japan did them justice

| im not taking a side here, and my banter is 100% playful. I just think that western game devs rightfully deserves a spot on the top for its contributions to video gaming as a whole

| >>1042014 halo wasn't mentioned which standardised fps games on console. Also the dude who mentioned quake and half life. So so so so so many games now still owe so much to those two games.

| Also fucking hilarious this convo spawned out of shitting on new dragon age lmfao

| >>1042043
I mean, same goes both ways. Both Japanese and western games have been foundational and inspired eachother. I just think it's wild to believe western games are overall more influential and hold up better. Western games have been very good in their specific niches, like shooters and sim games, but Japanese games defined platformers, fighting games, survival horror, multiple types of RPGS, whatever tf genre stardew valley type shit is, etc

| Everything builds on everything else and games wouldn't be where they are if it wasn't for every country taking inspiration from and learning from eachother, so it really doesn't matter at the end of the day, but ain't nobody playing Daggerfall in 2025, and the "realistic graphics" that a lot of western companies were chasing has led a lot of them to look like shit in retrospect

| >>1042057
>I just think it's wild to believe western games are overall more influential and hold up better.
Why is that "wild"? Crpgs and shooters are the most popular games today and those are western genres. There's no arguing with someone who claims that these genres aren't influental, especially if they don't even provide a single argument to back up their stance with. Jrpgs are a dying breed and good platformers and influental survival horror isn't a strict japanese thing.

| In some parts of the world it's "in" to mindlessly hate on the west nowadays, even though their own broken countries are cultivating the very same problems and doing the same shitty things as everyone else. It's nothing but close-minded bias.

| >but ain't nobody playing Daggerfall in 2025
Shows how much you know, lol. Daggerfall got a revival with its unity conversion and is more popular than ever. Don't talk smack, you double rose colored meganeko.

| >Everything builds on everything else and games wouldn't be where they are if it wasn't for every country taking inspiration from and learning from eachother
And this is why the west is more influental than any other place on earth when it comes to video games.

Shigeru Miyamoto flat out said that Zelda was heavily inspired by western literature and pen & paper RPGs.

All those japanese survival horrors are based on and take direct inspiration from american pop culture.

| We wouldn't even have Mario today if it wasn't for the wests influence on japanese media.

The influences doesn't really flow in the opposing direction. There's not much from east asian pop culture that defined western pop culture, even though japan made good platformers and had their own take on the RPG genre with their jrpgs they aren't as original as some seem to believe, the same formula was already invented by western companies.

| Jrpgs never really influenced any games outside of japan, modern indie games being an exception I guess. Like, I can't think of a single noteworthy western game that took inspiration from jrpgs now that I think about it.

| >>94b269

| >>1042067 dude gave up lmfao. He said "you right mb"

| >>1042072

| >>1042072
I'm not entertaining someone saying "Jrpgs are a dying breed" when JRPGs are bigger than ever globally. That's the most out of touch boomer take I've heard in ages. I grew up on that era western games too and love a lot of them. I'm not delusional enough to think my nostalgia can bend reality though

| i mean both of ya are right tho. jrpgs are big now and eastern devs are carrying the industry NOW. back then it was western devs. jp devs held their weight but 100% western devs did the innovating for the most part, except platformers and fighting games, virtua fighter and mario 64 were insane jumps in the industry but at the same time we cant just pretend how revolutionary companies like bioware valve and others have been.

| >>1042096
Oh no they definitely were. Especially with graphics. But I also feel that's where a lot of western games fall short. There's a lot of games I go back to and they just look genuinely awful because the focus was "realism", meanwhile a game like FF7 despite having dated 3d still holds up due to art direction you know? Western companies were innovative in tech, Japanese companies were innovative in game design, art direction, writing, etc, which is more essential imo

| Western companies clear in terms of shooters and sim games, but Japanese ones have had longevity and have defined way more genres. Genres and games that have proven themselves to stand the test of time after marketing hype dies down. There's a reason why the indie scene is filled with metroidvanias and turn based RPGs and Mario and Sonic inspired platformers. While I'm not a fan of Zelda games the design of those games can be found absolutely everywhere. Seems weird to ignore that

| i get you alot of the western classics do look very dated it is always nice though to see the communities going back and giving them love to bring them up to modern standards, system shock and daggerfall are both fantastic works of love. then again bethesda is basically a community of modders instead of devs at this point.... yikes starfield LOL! skyblivion looks so fucking great same with fallout 4 new vegas IK im getting off topic but modders are so hype

| >>1042095
>I'm not delusional enough to think my nostalgia can bend reality though
That's exactly what you've been doing this entire thread though, weeb.

| >>1042101
>Japanese ones have had longevity and have defined way more genres

such as? as always all you can muster is running hour mouth with vapid statements and can't put forth a single argument to back up your stance. this is how children argue. there's no talking to someone's who's debating skills are on the same level as a 10 year old

| >>1042101
the indie scene is also filled with shooters, sims, strategy and crpgs. you biased weeb.

| also i noticed you moved the goalpost again. you grew up on 4chan, didnt you? lol

| >>1042096
jrpgs are back? no way, there's only like 1-2 released each year and they seem to play like sp mmos with anime girls. you're saying they're back for real though?

im not asking the weeb because he's living in his anti-western weeaboo lala fantasy

| >>1042137 my man you goin a little autismo with that post

>>1042143 the big ones yeah 1-2 a year but there's alot of smaller ones same thing with shooters big 1-2 a year and I'm sad that cod is considered one of them and a whole lot of other smaller projects.

| >>1042137 sorry for ping longing around your topics btw, but for longevity mario 64 and smash are still beloved projects that get a huge amount of attention and play to this day. But tf2 is also one such game that, like the weeb said about jp games, has stylized art direction that hasnt aged as hard and has longevity

| >>1042147
if its autistic to not want to engage with juvenile 4chan arguments then im glad im fucking autistic.

and there are way more shooters every year than 2 wtf. you seriously cant be claiming that there are an equal amount of jrpgs and shooters released every year?? for real... why tf do i even bother

| >>1042149
i dont know why you're talking to me about longevity? i have never touched that topic. that's the weeb moving the goalpost because he cant muster up any real arguments, and you're taking his bait.

| >>1042127
Ooh yeah!! Modders are sick. I'm excited for that Fallout 4 New Vegas, and might check out Skyblivion too honestly, looks gorgeous!!

Bringing up several different measures isn't "moving the goalpost". Your arguments have exclusively been what you personally prefer and making braindead claims about Japan not having influenced anything ever and pulling out childish insults when realising this is reddit and you won't get a handjob for saying "haha weeb japan bad"

| *isn't reddit lol

| >>1042151 ik sorry I was a bit sleepy when I was writing that

| I think AAA game companies should drop the "realistic" graphics.
The (underpaid) people that they put to make the game do not have good deadlines, they are not incentivized to optimize the game, and they are clearly not doing it for passion nor love for the project.

Focus on the artstyle and writing a good story with good characters, and that's all it takes to make a good videogame. (And make good music too)

Total number of posts: 52, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1738271775

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