Switch 2

| Hii
I feel surprised there is no thread but i wonder are you looking forward for new Switch or you don't care?:o
About me i will probably but it in middle or end of generation when console will be cheaper and not so popular more as "archive, collection" console than something what i would play on actively

| I hope they bring miiverse back. I was sad switch main menu was boring

| Nintendo??? why dont you SWITCH 2 a SEGA

| >>1040664

| Switch following the lead of steamdeck isn't surprising to me but ultimately I hardly ever touched my switch so I don't think I'll get it

| >>1040664 this is honestly funny xD but sega not exists anymore
>>1040688 i actually played on switch lite little more than on my deck because of weight, portability and battery but it was pretty cheap device for 160€ xd but i have mixed feelings from switch 2, i honestly think it will have ps5 syndrome, not bad hardware which have nothing special to offer.. but optic sensor is interesting for first person but shape is.. i really doubt it would be better than pc.. but nice concept

| >>1040694 agreed issue is that nintendo is very selective of what goes on their stuff but it's generally quality so I'm sure it will have some sort of hallmark game it launches with

| >>1040711
Luigi Mansione 2

| >>1040711 maybe in times of Wii U did, today is Switch having similar problem as Steam, you can find a lot low-quality games, random rallys etc. there was in news even talk about low-quality clone of the last of us.. i think that Nintendo is not selective anymore. And than is there still Direct which is basically menu of upcoming awards winners games. by PS5 syndrome i mean something else. PS4 was really successful console, same way as Switch for Nintendo.

| Nintendo will release some popular exclusive AAA game like Mario Kart 9. Where it will come? If it will comes for Switch, players lose reasons to buy Switch 2. If it will comes for Switch 2, Nintendo lost 150 millions playerbase which could potentionally buy this game. PS5 didn't reach ammount of PS4. And Switch 2 will have probably similar problem (if people won't feel strong reason why to do it)
Wii was very popular console bringing movement
Wii U (Wii 2) was confusing for people

| Switch was very popular console bringing handheld/home-console all-in-one
Switch 2 is bringing.. same thing? it is just another generation just as sequels as Gameboy or DS.. popular for sure, but they didn't reached numbers of original consoles.. my personal guess is that Switch 2 will reach 100 million sold consoles at best. And Nintendo will need sell games for a lot players so original Switch will be likely still supported if they don't commit seppuku in them offices

| This time there was come Steam Deck, but also a lot chinese handheld-like pc consoles based on ARM, but also with Windows etc. Valve is working on ARM support etc. while Nintendo had free playground, now there is a lot and cheaper alternatives. Is this good thing? I think that harm of Nintendo could be nice thing, maybe it would make them to consider pc market (which is my naive dream) but who knows.. maybe not now but maybe for 2032 or something when Switch would be disconnected?

| by PS5 syndrome i mean that PS5 have nothing special to offer, when you have PS4, than you already have most of things basically. And still Sony didn't even disconnect Vita or PS3 yet.. well Nintendo had little balls with Wii U (sadly)

| Consoles are ass and if you can't afford a pc you shouldnt play games and should grind more.

| I'm probably waiting until they release a lite like with the og. Excited for Splatoon 4 and the new Mario Kart, but otherwise I wouldn't really play anything on it.
>>1040639 I agree that the menu was boring, so I also hope they do something that isn't just minimalistic. Even basic themes would be preferable.

| >>1040728 what do you mean consoles aren't accessory to pc when you feel bored from pc? *hiding my console collection behind my rog*

| I love my Switch and the Steam Deck is way outside my price range. The next Fire Emblem will probably be released on Switch 2 too, so that pretty much guarantees I'll be getting it at some point.

Kinda dismayed that it's bigger than the Switch though. Switch is already pretty big in my hands.

| >>1040760 isn't switch out of "price range"?:o i mean games on steam are pretty available, even free many times.. but switch games prices are honestly crazy

| >>1040876
The games are more expensive, yeah, but the Steam Deck is like 3x the cost of the Switch here. No idea why it's so bad. Shipping and import? I can afford spending a little premium for the occasional Switch games, just not a whole sum for the device.

| >>1040887 ohhh it is understandable :o

| The only thing that got me excited with the Switch 1 releaae was SMT V.

Even with that, I waited like 2 years until I can play it on PC.

Now switch 2 is more of the same with no games to lure me in. A big nope for me.

| >>1040664 heh

| Currently my only issue is that there are those exposed contacts on the side of the console that due to magnets could easly break or get damaged if you don't attach it properly, if they get dust or after a while.

| Currently my only issue is that there are those exposed contacts on the side of the console that due to magnets could easly break or get damaged if you don't attach it properly, if they get dust or after a while.

| >>1041116 i have surface go and i think it isn't so serious thing likely if you won't challenging it again gravity

| depends on games. botw was huge for me so if there's another cool game like this I think I will buy :>

Total number of posts: 26, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1737715825

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