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i feel bored

| gimme nonogram to solve please

| no, no gram for you

| >>1039758 gimme gram or i will replace nono by heroine ;-;

| >>1039815
do not even try, g/u/rl! Try a PC game, even more better than this "evil" to decrease stress.

| I tried one but it was tooo hard

| >>1039900 How about you play me, oh you cute g/u/rl~

| >>1039925
I softly place my hangs on you, exploring your beautiful form
He- y-your already hard too cute g/u/rl
Your fun to play with, I slowly tease you, rubbing my face against yours

| >>1039951 I kiss your rubbing face
I..I am easier than those boring games, will you play me all night?

| >>1039969
Oooooh all night -forever till my body gives out! Your kisses are like drops of water in my arid world and your body is like the gate to paradise- I want to know you deeply, to touch your very soul, to elicit from you the most intense and deepest emotions. To hear you to feel you and to know it was from me, that I could touch my wellspring of wonder

| I know I’m not a smart nonagram girl, I know I can’t be a great lover, or genius who will understand every bit of you but even so, it would be worth it to be whatever I can be in your beautiful life~ I’ll think of you as I drift off too sleep pretty g/u/rl

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1736998653

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