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I fucking love AWARIA

| Go play funny yuri game NOW!!


| Play signalis

| >>1039632 funnily enough that game was already on my "to play" list
I'll play signalis too!!

| >>1039685 Ok play midnight club 2 next. Pretty please!!

| >>1039690 hm? A 2003 racing game made by rockstar? Why would that be related to funny yuri games?

| Oho, you think you're a fan of funny Yuri games? Okay, then name 3 retro racing games.

| Jk the game looks interesting desu

| >>ab7893 lol
Yeah it's quite good!!
It's a bit short but it is challengingly fun!

| AWARIA is peak, I love this game much more than helltaker

| oooh this looks good thank you g/u/rl!

| >>1039898 I like both but honeslty, I agree, AWARIA is fucking PEAK

>>1039907 It does! You're welcome g/u/rlie!

| AWARIA makes me want to kill myself

so that a dorky tunnel runner will find and make out with me

| >>1040014 but if you in the tunnels, you will lose your memories...
>a dorky tunnel runner will find and make out with me
That'd be lovely ngl

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1736971221

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