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the witcher went woke

| why are the west like this?

| Stfu, Ciri is hot af

| >>1036556 uhoooooooooog ToT

| >>1036556
ew girlkisser! woke!!

| Jesus was woke

| Reeeee woke

| >>1036555 >west
Poland is Eastern Europe tho

| So long as it isn't dustborn I won't scream too loud about it. But people who complain about ciri are wacky

| >>1036745
Poland rejects the eastern way and embraces western values, so you're wrong.

| The word "woke" has done irreversible damage to society's mental image of progressives

| So has grifter

| So has nazi too actually

| Chud three

| >>1036807
Not really. It's mainly a certain loud majority who use the word woke in a negative context and they're not exactly known for acting mature.

| minority*

| It's the satanic panic for 50 year old nerds.

| Didnt all of us go woke right before getting out of bed today?

| >>1036886
Lol so true

| Liking girls is woke
Being gay is also woke
Like wtf??

| >>1036908 don't breathe only solution

| woke or not, that is bullshit, if the game is good, enjoy, if not, set fire on cdproject qarters.

| Like it's interesting because cdpr is one of the more woke companies but they don't fucking set fire to their games because of it. It's more restraint than every other company, like say bioware xd

| >>1036938 *shoot the CEO

| I just woke up

| >>1036986 how was your sleep? Any good dreams?

| Polish Trivia Time:
Witcher was originally supposed to be called Watcher but then the author made a typeo on his typewriter and since he was out of whiteout he decided to ship it as is.

| neato thanks random person online

| >>1036834 so yeah irreversible damage

| >>1037052
Science deniers and haters damages everyone including themselves, not just the target they aim their slurs at. It's Idiocracy.

| Project CD red have done irreversible good PR for Poland and crushed stereotypes and raped bigots in the ass.

Except domestic ones.

| >>1037071
>good pr
even inside poland you'll find plenty people who thought hitler was right

| >>1037073
This has nothing to do with what I was talking about lol

| >>1037073
Your reading comprehension is lacking ... 100% a skill issue.

| >>1037071 what even were polish stereotypes?????????? Like I have never heard a single one in my life

| >>1037097
After the Soviet union fell a lot of European countries hired polish workers because it was cheap labor and having all these economically troubled polish people working low paying jobs contributed to stereotypes about both Poland and its people. I'm not gonna reinforce the stereotypes by explaining them though.

| I mean I can imagine, people always imagine the worst when it comes to lower class people

| >>1037119
lovely pro polish g/u/rl~
I see a thankful handsome gentle polish lover in your future!! :D

| >>1037148
I'm not pro polish as much as I'm pro truth and anti bigotry. Hate and ignorance can get down on their knees and eat my ass.

| >>1037216 as i grow older the more I do think hating people is bad but hating people's actions is a necessity

| >>1037220
It's possible to disapprove of, and fight against immoral actions without letting yourself succumb to feelings of hate. Hate is inherently self-destructive and clouds your mind. Keep your cool and you won't stray from your path.

| >>1036807
Correction: white people did irreversible damage to the word woke, it was used correctly until dusty fossilized cracker learned about it a decade late

| >>1037241
As a Nordic white person with a privileged upbringing I stand by this post. Woke literally means enlightenment and only ignorant people believe this is a slur.

| >>1037241 sadly it's been so poisoned by the right that reclaiming it might look cringe

| >>1037259
Maybe, depends on the maturity of the people you hang out with.

| the kind vladimir ilyich would have shot everybody here

| >>1037317
Edgy 14 year old detected

| >>1037222
I dunno. I think if you're really strongly against something it'll be hate, even by any other name. Maybe we are seeing a sampling bias where successful hate sees its object destroyed, and we don't call it hate, but hate which cannot be successful in defeating its object we call hate, and they boil in their upsetness. In that case, the problem is unrealistic goals and not accepting the amount you can change, rather than hate itself.

| >>1037241
ah ah ah! I'm actually a white person and it wasn't our fault!
the brown people did a bad job coming up with it and it failed because it wasn't within tolerances for the environment it was used in.
awakened, enlightened, clarified: all these words by white people do a great job at showing you've opened your eyes to being tricked, and they sound like the way it happens- soft and gradual.
the brown people love words to be harsh and very loud. woke is a word to cut through

| the air and to be shouted. It completes things in itself, not inviting other words to come stand by it and show the process of enlightenment. woke was used to say 'we gettin woke' 'im woke af' -statements of pride, but not of evidence.

This invited the more mean whites (sorry) to use it ironically to mock the loud browns, and anyone who takes pride in enlightenment, at first with the connotation of violent enforcement of belief, but soon against any of the truly enlightened.

| The tendency of brown words not to be very good was a bit cruelly phrased, I'm sure there are also some nice ones, and you're a cutiie! if you want some oral love I'm happy to give you it! *opens my mouth and goes ahhhhh*

| >>1037444
Yeah I don't know about any of that. To me hate is an ugly feeling that's obstructive and energy consuming but maybe that's only true for ADHD people. Maybe some people can turn their hate into something productive but I have never met anyone like that, ever.

| >>1037446
Jesus fucking christ...............

| >>1037451
I think maybe when you're noticing it you've already been stewing, and you're really being healthy! I think you're right, but I think strong disgust or aversive reactions can be good at times, though with their power over the mind comes extreme risk, and so the need for open mindedness and tolerance so as not to get caught in a purity spiral.

So keep it up : )

| >>1036555

| I love having the perfect political perspective ;D
That is, being socially left and proggessive and economically centrist-relaxed without being extremely over pathic/nervous/violent/jumpy/obnoxious/hateful
The transhuman and posthuman future belong to my kind!
We will share our kindness with everyone!!
And you WILL be HAPPY :)

| >>1037849
Based :) cute logical robog/u/rl

| >>1037849 from the very moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me... I craved the certainty of steel

| >>1038097

| >>1037849 slavic gurl spotted

| <3

Total number of posts: 60, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1735595957

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