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Elden Ring Nightreign

| What do you think about it? It would be hit or miss? What do you think the Dark Souls Bosses revealed in the trailer (Nameless King, Centipede Demon) and the fact that the Dark Souls Lore will eventually merge with the Elden Ring one?

| An open world cooperative run-based roguelike. Finally.

| elona

| I’m actually pretty excited for it just because I haven’t played a roguelike in a while. I think the player limitations being either 1 or 3, but not 2 is very silly but whatever.
I don’t think you should take it seriously… you might be a little autistic if u do and you’ll probably pull your hair out at the idea of it all being canon.

| I can see it being a miss, but i’m also sure it’ll be a hit. It could be considered a miss compared to elden ring’s success, but i’m sure it’ll sell better than anything that came before elden ring.

Plus its stand alone and a spin off, that is to say not cannon to the main elden ring story so no need to worry about the lore stuff, just have fun with friends.

| I think it looks super good, personally. Excited to play the bloodborne looking girl and the mage.

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1734677879

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