Osu on Steam

| https://github.com/ppy/osu/discussions/18074

why this makes me feel sad

| elona

| Why would you want it on steam? It's already easy enough to download and play as it is

| ^

| Besides all the custom tracks are found on the website for osu, where you originally install it.

| >>1035549 so i could have it in libras and not playing it

| >>1035948 just add it as a non-steam game. Simple as that

| >>1035984 but it's won't be cloud saved, i don't want host nas for this

| what would you need cloud save on osu for? isn't score saved with your account? your skill isn't saved in the clouds

| >>1036138 what do you mean? My brain is saved in akamai

| Gollum

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1734256215

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