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What game are you into right now?

| Currently eating the sweetest grapes and playing Rainbow Six Siege and NS2. You?

| I love sex.

| I beat Lunacid last night, it was really fun! By far the best dungeon crawler I've ever played, it really outdid my expectations.

| elona

| >>1035291
I love that game but I haven't finished it yet. I'm still at the lava dungeon because I haven't played since before 1.0

| rn it is Rimworld, Honkai:Star Rail (f2p), Deadlock, and Team Fortress 2

| Already finishing RDR2 but bought Tron: Identity, Grim Fandango and Path of The Abyss

| Life

| Helldivers2 currently when I have the time. My dream game.

| >>1035312
Ask me about Grim Fandango

| I'm currently playing a lot of Balatro.
Yesterday I also picked up Noita again aftar nearly a year of not playing... and found out my whole progress got deleted. Oh well, starting it over ain't so bad.

Oh oh, also got Atlyss. Which yes, I know, it looks like furry bait BUT it's genuinely fun!

| >>1035442
I love Balatro and Noita but the furry bait in Atlyss is a bit off putting tbh. You sayin' it's good though?

| no mans's sky still has me in a leglock

| >>1035473 I got the game not knowing the furry look. I quite literally download it without really looking at it. Then starting playing it and had to check if I didn't get a hentai game lmao
But for real, it's just an aesthetic chois3 with nothing explicit, and once you move past that, the gameplay is actually really fun.
It's like a combo of 3D platformer with gamecube era MMORPG. Only downside is that is one developer and so the game only has content until lvl20 for now.

| Rimworld and The Bazaar. most of my gaming time is going towards painting minis though, I'm excited for trench crusade

| I've been on a Persona binge lately. Resuming my P5R save, and I just got P4G and P3P on sale recently.
I've also been playing Gravity Rush 1 and 2 a bunch (shame the servers shutdown).
As well as a few other misc. games like CrossCode, Spelunky, SMT, and more.

| I got addicted to webfishing

| FFXIV, Sonic x shadow generations, repeat of night in the woods and the street fighter 30th anniversary collection.

| >>1035939 Trench Crusade looks like it's going to be a lot of fun, I'm looking forward to it.

| animal crossing: population growing and a little bit of pocket camp: c. gotta justify that 10$ app store purchace fr

| Been getting back into Nine Sols. I turned "story mode" on so I can adjust the damage multiplier myself and the game's been a lot more fun. The base tuning is just too unforgiving for me

| Everything Spicymayo has been playing, honestly.

| Elin has me in a crazy grip right now.

| >>1036353
No way, someone who actually play Elin instead of memeing it

| Never gonna happen to stone ocean

| >>1036216
I had no idea Nine Sols let you adjust things like that yourself, I love it!! More games should be customisable even if they're aiming to be challenging

Fuck you cause I am currently still into stone wocean

| >>1036400 how? I dropped it before I reach orc cave

| >>1035442
Atlyss is fun, I got it and just ignore the furry bait.

AC7 went on sale, so that's been gripping my soul the past few days.

| I've been splitting my time between Monster Hunter World and Metaphor ReFantazio. The goal is to beat the former by February and to beat the latter before Persona 6, whenever that will be lmao.

| >verdun
>1200 hours
the trenches are calling my name

| Catching up on MH Rise. I know that Wilds is on the horizon, I'll get it at launch. I just like being able to play any MH with my friends.

| Oh yeah, also been trying out Path of Exile 2 and enjoying it so far!!

Gurl you played it for like 30min lmao, and I'm guessing probably on normal. My advice for anyone tryna get into it is play on hard or above (that's where the combat really shines), explore instead of tryna closely follow quests, and give the story some time to simmer. Every new thing you learn re-contextualises everything before it and adds a new layer. If that's not your thing though that's fair

| >>1036601 I played on hard. And I checked lutris, I played for 12 hour. 90% of the time I was lost in this impossible maze of an underground map.

| And retrying minigame

| >>1036602
Oh okay you know what, fair. I fully understand now. I'm on like my 10th save file and I don't really touch the underground still lol
I'll check off a couple places down there that I know how to get to quickly from above ground (thanks to other players), but yeah that's completely valid. I stay above ground unless it's a dungeon or something, shit's confusing af

| >>1036370 It's such a genuinely good game. I'm kind of just running around doing whatever just like old times.

| >>1036643
I will never play it or endorse it because that memebrain kept shilling it everywhere.

| >>1036644 good

| Lately for me, it's been bat to the havens and zenless zone zero

| Lately trying to take another shot at the bo2 origins easter egg

| >>1036775 I wish I didn't fall off of ZZZ, but I really don't have the energy to log into it every single day. Really good game though, I'm just not consistent with it lmao.

| I love counter strike! Im shit at it though!

| >>1036896
same bestie ^^

I'm jorking my peanits is what I'm playing : D : D : D

But actually i did make a super digital fortress account a few days ago and I got the high score in the robots game which was fun cause I didn't know the mechanics or anything and kinda had to figure em out! Also I use colemak so it took me a little to get the vim-like controls.

| Astral Party. It's basically chinese 100% Orange Juice. Regular PvP is not so good but PvE and 1vs3 PvP are surprisingly fun.

Also I was getting into Muse Dash (the base game) a few days ago because I figured the full game was gonna be on discount these days due to steam winter sales, but I was wrong

| >>1036992 nevermind. muse plus is currently on sale. i checked the very moment the winter sale started and it wasn't but it seems they did put it on sale

| I'm visiting family for the holidays so at the moment I'm into old N64 and Mega Drive games because that's all we have here.

| >>1037007
What games you all got? Any particularly unknown titles maybe?

| >>1037053
I don't think any of these are particularly rare or anything, maybe some of the sega titles. I'll have to ask my brother.
We played a lot if Gain Ground last night which is one of my favorite games on the mega drive but we mostly stick to mp games or take turns getting all the stars and jigsaw pieces in Mario and banjo kazooie.

| >>1037072
Never heard of Gain Ground. I'll have to check it out.
I like to ask random people for their old fav games because there are soooo many lost gems out there that just didn't get enough public to be remembered.

| I'm ready to start playin Wizardry (ps1 ver.). Next on the line will be Gothic 2 or Silent Hunter III marathon

| >>1037287
2 player Gain Ground is one of those games I never get tired of but I rarely play it solo. You wanna name-drop a couple of your favorites? I've been looking for retro games to play.

A friend lent me his copy of Forbidden Siren (see: pushed it on me) so I'm gonna play that when I get home from the holidays.

I'm also gonna check out Wonder Project J2 because it's kinda unique and slightly before its time.

| We only have the n64 and mega drive at our mom's place but the rarest game we had as kids was likely an underappreciated racing game called Unirally for the snes. The devs got sued by Pixar and had to pull the game from shelves so copies are on the rarer side.

As someone who never played racing games (except Days of Thunder and some Cruisin' USA) I loved Unirally. The gameplay really felt like it was years ahead of its time.

| >>1037289
I've been eyeing those games for years but never got around to try them. Gothic seems interesting because I was told your skill level matters more than numbers going up and Silent Hunter seems like a perfect game to play when you're feeling off and want something slowpaced but not dull.

| >>1037351
My favorite is probably the Megaman Legends games. I'm still salty that the 3rd game got cancelled.
I also had a Shaman King's fighting game for the ps1. I think it was a bit of a copy of a popular JoJo arcade fighting game, but I can't remember much of it.
I also used to play Gauntlet Legends for the n64 a lot with a cousin. We'd stay up until morning cuz we didn't have a way to save progress, so we kinda "tried" to sperd run the whole thing... never did tho.

| Oh right, we also would play Vigilante 8. That game was lots of fun. Sometimes we would play coop but instead of fighting eachother, we would just explore the levels cuz the game had suprisingly big and detailed worlds.
Other games we had were just classic like Banjo Kazooie, Yoshi's story, Mario games, etc. Still good but we all know them.

| Sounds very similar to my childhood. We were late adopters and mostly played NES so instead of MegaMan legends and gauntlet legends we played MegaMan 2 and 3 and sometimes borrowed Gauntlet 2 for nes which was one of my favorites. I was heavily in love with Wizards & Warriors 1 and 3.
Eventually we got the megadrive, ps1 and n64. Yoshi's story is such a lovely game btw. We had a game called Armorines which we loved playing coop even though it got very mediocre reviews.

| Yeah we never owned a snes, thought briefly we did and had duck hunt with it. My dad being a hunter loved that game.
That era of games had a lot of good couch play stuff. I kinda wish they would still make games like that, but they are pretty rare now. :/

| Yeah I know what you mean. Me and my dad played a lot of Track & Field 2 together and that game is basically a bunch of atari-style minigames with a "modern" approach. Even my mom who never played videogames would occasionally play it too.

During the PS2 era me and my friends basically hunted down and played every couch play game we could find because even mediocre games can be fun to play together. Games like those Fallout/Baldurs gate action rpg spinoffs and stuff

| >>1036038
i finished p4 for the first time like a month or two ago now i have no purpose and feel as if i have no friends now..

| A friend gifted me Return of the Obra Dinn for Christmas, it's really fun!

| >>1037715 now finish p3

| >>1036038 I ended up getting P5R for the steam sale, so I'm probably gonna do a persona marathon in the vain hope we get some P6 news soon.

| I want a new slice of life vampire game

| I’m replaying vtmb and underrail. Also started playing tormented souls.

| >>1038360 I'm sad that VTMB 2 doesn't look all that great.

| >>1038407
Same. It doesn't look like a vtmb-sequel at all tbh.

| I've been playing Panzer Dragoon and Tetris Effect.
I've been looking for a fun sports game to play with my friend but it seems like the days of fun sports games that focus on gameplay over realism are over.

| Team fortress 2 and hentai parody of vampire survivors

| rlly into sayonara umihara kawase rn.

| >>1038796 Dare I ask what the parody is called?

| Noita

| Atlyss is really fun, feels like a early 2000s game

| >>1038841
I've been playing Noita with the coop mod and a few friends. It's really impressive how well it works. Also fun!

Furry! Ha!
... nah, I play that game too. It's really good.


| Elin and a few different Survivors-likes are keeping me going now

| for the past couple of months I was playing citizen sleeper and 13 sentinels agis rim.
Monster Hunter was also a big obsession of mine last year. I say it's to prep for mh wilds I'm not actually going shell out the cash for a Console or a PC good enough to actually play it untill months after it's out. So I'm still prob going to be playing mhgu on switch for the foreseeable future.

| >>1038880
Never try co-op mod, even don't know about existence of it. I should try (especially cos I just thought "how will be it nice playing Noita with many players on third day). Thanks for pointing this mod!

| >>1038880
Didn't know there was a true coop mod. I showed it to my only other friend who play noita but she didn't seem like she was into it.

I got Baldurs Gate 3 on sale but lately I have been too depressed to play.

| >>1039313 hope you get well soon

| Soon will play in certain Touhou fighting.

| Addicted to Balatro.

| Been playing a lot of Cobalt Core, if you like Slay the Spire or similar games I'd recommend it.

| Started playing Project Zomboid with the crew and some new people and it's a blast

| Noita still keeps me @_@, and till now do not repair the start of steam games, especially Deep Rock Galactic.

| >>1039835
Haha wut?

| >>1039586
Cobalt Core is such a cool name so I might have to check it out

| Retro city rampage and tf2

| Metaphor ReFantazio and Balatro

| >>1039835 Noita is so damn fun, it's kind of crazy. Haven't played Deep Rock in a while.

| OMG I just played


and I'm crying a lil. It's not a perfect game or anything but it had some good themes and wasn't TOO scary and the puzzles were at my level.

I luv ya g/u/rls

| >>1039853
My linu.. [tongue is bitten] khm! I mean my OS is specific, not like mainstream one, so, steam games doesn't start.
Yeah, and about DRG I also very long ago doesn't play in it.

| >>1040251
Ah, I see. I get some slowdowns on Noita in linux but otherwise it runs flawlessly with proton set to experimental. I haven't tried Deep Rock Galactic but protondb says it's playable. Try an older version of proton or maybe give Flatpack a try?

| >>1040256
Before I already played in DRG on proton, I guess something wrong with my alsa/pulse configuration.

| Final Fantasy 14 has brought me back in once more.

| trails / kiseki rpg series. insane world building and story details even with NPCs.

| retro mecha games on itchio!!!!!!

| What about Shuttered pixel dungeon?

| >>1040462 These games are amazing, I really need to finish Cold Steel 3.

| powerpoint - no games for busy people ;-;

| >>1040605 Play chess in Excel ezpz

| Abiotic Factor with the crew has been a blast

| >>1040669 but i need work done, i can't send my won chess match :(

| >>1040605
LaTeX (with Beamer class for presentation) - for busy people!

| >>1040763 not sounds as fun game also :(

| >>1040806
why? There is also a game packages, see related topic on CTAN: the game topic contains packages to process game diagrams, gamebooks, and other amusements.

| >>1040847 i want just play hearthstone, sadly to have word and brainstorm ;-;

| The Holy Gosh Darn was surprisingly a real delight to play trough and the time travel mechanics was so well made and dope af

| >>1040877
Oh, I sympathize.
//may be you should try, for example, "Magic the gathering" for variety?

| today i played hearthstone, multiversus and going to visit fortnite for miku finally! ^^

| >>1041175 honesly magic the gathering is too complex for me.. i personally prefer hearthstone because is "simple" or how tell it..

| >>1041217
MTG is pretty simple, but I feel like it's a game best learnt in-person. Every time I've tried getting someone into it through Arena they've very quickly called it complicated and stopped. An hour and two decks of cards though and suddenly they got it

| >>1041236 i don't know.. i somehow like pastel visual too, audio effects, i'm used for this game after playing it 10 years with pauses etc.. i was trying few experiments as bethesda's hearthstone with 2 battlefields (honestly interesting concept) but didn't take me long :/ i feel that hearthstone is more arcade and simple.. but truth is i'm stopping like it too.. new starships and starcraft thing is ruining game.. maybe not if you play normally but as priest where i need counters

| ...while most cards are by types "minions" or "spells" it was fine.. there was some things as weapons, destinations but acceptable.. but starships are some k ind of not-counterable finishers :/
i'm thinking to play until valentine's event.. maybe begin of match for monthly cardback and i will stop play it and something not-card like

| >>1041217
Oh, I see. People are different, someone like simpler, others - more cunning. For example, someone prefer sessional games like HotS, other - games like Dark souls.
I don't know other CCG like HS, sorry.

| >>1041263 i believe no one play hots tbh xd

| Has anybody checked out Deadlock?

| I was playing! Until I broke my linu.. [bit his tongue].

| >>1035291 Lunacid is by far the coziest dungeon crawler I’ve ever played.

I’ve been playing Kingdom Hearts. About 11 hours in so far. Started the game in the past, but I wanna try and get through it for real. It’s a damn good time.

| had a great time playing noita with some friends so thanks for letting me know about the coop mod g/u/rls

| Got Path of Achra. Strange, strange little game but very fun.

| I played ready or not with my friends for a while and currently I’m grinding in division 1

| >>1042214 I need to play that again. Was a good time, but now I don't have a good enough PC for it lol.

| >>1041535
Was just thinking about playing Kingdom Hearts again. I've played so many of the games but never fully finished any of them. It's about time I think

Total number of posts: 123, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1738354233

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