
| This game is surprisingly good. It looks like just a Slay the Spire copy, but it's low-key doing what Balatro did but with StS instead of Poker
It's StS but you can replace any number on the screen, including HUD elements and card text, with a dice roll, and there's a lot of cards that let you manipulate game elements. So the game is designed around breaking it as much as you can get away with
It also has a lot of MtG inspiration in the cards and mana system

| So far I'm honestly enjoying it more than I have any other card game roguelike, including Slay the Spire, and the art is beautiful, the different classes are super creative, just a really well designed and creative game

| Imagine if you could replace parts of our world like that- I’d add a copy of you to every copy of me and a copy of me to every copy of you so wet we would be together forever but also due to recursion we would generate infinite mass and collapse the world sorry!!
I liked https://fourquarters.itch.io/roulette-knight-ludum-dare-41
: ) it’s fun to figure out the tricks

| Oh my

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1733372324

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