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Xenoblade Blade

| As someone who loves the first game, easily one of the best RPGs, and hates the second one, would I like the 3rd? I haven't seen anything about XC3

I don't actively hate XC2, I just thought the story and characters were meh

| elona

| By the way I'm Pomu de Una familia noble Pomulia

| Haven't played it but I've only heard good things about the third game. But then again, I heard it from people who didn't think XC2 was that bad even though they don't like the character designs.

| XC3 has XC2 character impregnation fetish as part of the story. I feel like that knowledge and how you feel about it will probably tell you whether or not you wanna play it

| >>1033362 never played xenobalde but that's kinda based

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1731896036

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