Anyone want to play Tetris?

| https://tetrio.io/#R2YizBRyfmEi

| I'm more of a puyo gurl

| >>1031393
Same. Wanna discuss tactics?

| What tactics girl just let the tetriminos fall in place and shit

| >>1031393
Puyo Puyo Tetris in 2024? Woah. Or do you play Puyo Puyo in Fightcade?

| Hey this game's pretty cool

| elona

| Lmao which one of you are 50K PHP?

| is*

| *sex

| >>1031480
Better than sex to be honest.

| >>1031619 lol amirite? only nerds play sex

| Murtaugh law "I'm too old for this sh*t".
// but for fun, why not, I have three variant of it.

| >>1031554
why almost everyone forgetting "dx" at the end???
// Why your integral sign likes "s" and your "x" not in superscript or you forgot "p" and parentheses around "x"?

| L-piece to a1 in normal orientation

| >>1031928
T-Spin Deeznuts

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1730683061

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