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| https://flockmod.com/img/?1056132

how to assure yoru video game concept art/content to value like million dollar worth

also i want to be a programmer but my current "job" is also taking my time quite fairly.

| A million dollar worth video game wasn't created through asking through danger/u/. So, no matter what, you will never achieve it. If you disagree, name me a million dollar worth concept that was asked through lazy people who can't get anything done for themselves. Successful people were self-starters, and not leechers who needed their hand to be held every second of the way.

| >>1029659 all these long sentence just means that you are a retarded faggot with no clue at all how communications work so you decided to quip like pewdiepie's tissue note to sound even more retarded but end up slurred and noisy? Hilarious.
Please continue your self promotion.
>lazy people
>cant get anything done
>them = you
good thing you accepted this part about yoruself. maybe learn to ask so you actually made it past dangeru and maybe get a college for starters. or GED.

Total number of posts: 3, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1728374299

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