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| Lol

| League of Legends? People still play that game?

| laugh out loud

| thank god for riot games making people easy to filter, I wouldnt wanna get near a riot enjoyer.

| >>1028744
Now share something about yourelf that makes you easier to filter out.

| I'm prefer Realm of Fantasy Legends, or even Legendary Mythical Adventures Online.

| HoTS is better, IMHO.
// for example, mechanics, combined team experience, etc.

| >>1028808 you mean the aaa game from blizzard with playerbase smaller than 10?

| >>1028846
I know, I know, these are not the best times for HoTS :(

| HoTS isn't even a hyponymical acronym. No wonder it failed!

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1727549921

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