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| dsfsdfsf how do i fix it. what do i add. it hurts. not even a boring one dish cook, one trick pony gets this much of pain.
or gordon ramsay.
or average white person.
or color.
or rainbow.

| stop being a leech on your family and die

| >>1028274 wow, total stranger. take care

| >>1028274 arent you like, everywhere, too

| how do i delete this stupid thread and >>488f86 unintelligible english

| boo, stupid thread on stupid retarded site. internet sure is for everyone

| op you may want to start a blog or a microblog and just start posting your gamedev log there

| >>1028405 I don't feel like it. It doesn't solve shit

| >>1028406
It'll make us stop wanting to insult you for spamming our board but if you actually get turned on by being insulted then I guess, whatever floats your boat.

| >>1028274 tbf it's better to have mental ills than having weak people exposed to corruption

| >>1028407 will it gain me other benefits? i doubt it. you can keep it up. we both know who's the guy who play too much with dolls in their spare time. or, uh girls. whatever you name yourself.

| >>1028513
nothing you do here gives you any benefits so why are you even here?

| >>1028564 take it easy ed harris. You don't blog either to ask question. The forum is made specifically for twat like you. How about you go find your funsis watching talkshow instead of being unfunny here

| imagine being this guy.

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1727425388

This thread is permanently archived