nintendo switch 2 will have a microphone (again)

| title

| Just take them off

| Ohhh they bringed back technology which had my nokia xd

| i hope they will bring internet browser too

| >>1027950
wow~ your PHONE had a microphone 20 years ago???

| >>1027958 yes xd even my walkie talkie had microphone.. vita too (idk if psp had), even stupid dualshock have microphone but Nintendo rediscovering it xD

| I'd cage it

| >>1027983 me? *Blushes*

| Yesssss >>1028010
We all want to hold you in our hand. Your spunky lil posts are too much for us to bear! I need you gurl!!!

| >>1028074 but i need cuddles :(

| >>1028095
Ok ok ok I do too gurl!!!!!!!!!!!! ><

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1726892185

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