
| did you play this new game made by valve? It's like overwatch and smite or sth looks cool

| I hate video games

| Yeah kinda same. I feel depressed about how pointless the stories seem some times, or playing as a bad person. I think I’m going to get the Witcher when I have money.

| not really my jam but it's great to see a new, creative valve game. i hope they drop another vr title soon

| I thought it's not out yet?

| >>b265d4 someone doesn't have /u/pass lmfao

| >>1027998 send me your steam profile i can invite you

| >>1028011
Nah, I'm not interested. Just wondering how people got to play it and I guess that answered that.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1726815861

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