list of weird jp games??/

| im pretty sure i saw a strange psx only weird and scary jp games with content warning too but now the video is gone or is it removed??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B69v7vV2m74&pp=ygUibGlzdCBvZiBhbGwgd2VpcmQgcGxheXN0YXRpb24gZ2FtZQ%3D%3D

| cool phishing scam bro, too bad im not clicking it B)

| >>1027466 didnt know youtube is a scam. what are you then? charless manson?

| >>1027473 you're cute, do you have a roommate? ;)

| >>1027473
stop feeding the trolls pls

| Not a PSX game but a weird ass JP game for sure: "Ranko Tsugime's Longest Day" for PS3 is the most absurd game I've ever played. The story seems fine at first then it suddently becomes weird to completely crazy. Just see some gameplay, I got it back then for 3 euros just because it comes with some animated shorts (SHORT PEACE) and that was a bonus. It was made by Suda 51 so it kinda "makes sense" i guess. But still WTF go see a gameplay and dare to tell me I'm wrong.

| >>e36821 I've watch my brother play that game and I can agree that it's a weird game on the PS3.

| Garage Bad Dream Adventure. I was working on a translation of the game but it is now in English.

| >>1027953
Second for this gem.

| >>1027953
Btw, wasn't this translated like 5 years ago?

| >>1027957
Was it? I don't know. That is roughly when I discovered the game initially. Just happy that someone else knows of this game and more people can enjoy it these days.

| I tried kowloon highschool chronicle

| >>1028367 that looks funky. Wish I can make a game like that. Like, really, code one.

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1727316674

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