bro this Flappy Bird revival is fucking shit

| https://youtu.be/W6NsrkrK3MQ?si=Ulkx5MvtHg-f3sgX

this is some random garbage looks like its made by a 11 year old kid

and 100% its gonna be fucking microtransactions and ads every time you die

what the fuck did they do the the bird??

| /v/ moment

| cool phishing scam bro, too bad im not clicking it B)

| >>b246af bro it’s just YouTube link

| just open it in incognito

| or at least just look for it yourself

| It really is just a shitty add for a shitty product. It's gonna make enough money for its investors to solve world hunger for the next 100 years though.

| >>1027404 i was reading about it (didn't played it yet but there are 2 informations which you could maybe need to know)

1. Developer of original flappy bird isn't connected with this project and refused himself
2. this game is connected with nft and it looks as another "banana" thing somehow..

| is it a gacha with big tits birds???

| nft shit 100%

| you gurls cares about the dumbest shit

| >>1027837 this

| >>1027837 wanna fix us?

| >>1027982
no, it's fine to care about dumb shit

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1726796546

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