vidya game planning?

| https://imgur.com/a/GirfyTN

basically i am still troubleshooting shit, and i ahve themes i wanna do, but trying to finish it seems like a spagethi jobs to do, so i am trying to know some planning method...something expandable. like, from planning intro, to end, and having it expandable and such... mayb like 60 hour gameplay and such. generally figuring out the content and everything.

| >spaghetti jobs to do
Yeah, welcome to gamedev.

60 hours is WAY too much. Scope it down. Just having a 5-minutes playable game is enough to start

If you want to make a game, you gotta figure out the gameplay first. Don't touch programming at this stage, just mock it up in your mind or with pen and paper.

| Easiest will be to just take an existing genre. Pick something simple, and then simplify it even more. A match-3 puzzle. An RTS where you just place building down. An RPG but you just walk around in a single small map. A shot-em-up with only like, two kinds of enemies.

The point is don't make it too complex. Start small. As small as you can get.

| >>1027395 >>1027396 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH stop replying to 50kkkkkkkkkk! imma cut to the bean tn

| >>1027395 too late i already touched programming. and its prrtty fun. except my tool only export index dot html.
lots of selection. how do i choose
> five mins
technically 60 hour fps is 59 hour cutscenes but i guess thats just a joke.
>>1027396 i think theyre all complex so i went ahead and solve programming which hasnt done much. what should do to pick then. of all your three choices
>as small
as you can see i cant even rotate the sprite so it is smaller than average

| The following are PirateSoftware recommendations.


| >>1027403 for gameplay just think of genres you like or have ideas for and note them down on paper or on a txt file. Overtime youll have minor "eureka!" moments that may come in days, week, months but it should help to shape your game. Youll eventually find what you want to make but dont worry too much if you cant think of anything now.

Theres pribably otherways that can work best for you. But this has been my approach at the moment.

| >>1027436 so...which one of these focused on, uh alternative method to deal with programming?

>>1027438 ok maybe i dont mind ideas it's literally everywhere. or a lecturer says: free. problem is i wanna skip angles and trigs. what of that. but still uses math.

| >>1027398
Sorry. I did the math and there's like 50:50 chance someone else is going to pop into the thread and be genuinely interested. Best to answer that quickly before the thread inevitably devolves.

| Unfortunately I also get off answering even stupid questions, so.

>too late I already touched programming
Wrong. The fact that you even have to ask here means you still have to figure out what your gameplay is. Stop doing programming. Tell me your three favorite games.

| >>1027483
Answer this g/u/rl, NOW!

| Do you want to make a game or do you just like the idea of making a game?
You're talking like you're tryna make a product, not a personal passion project
If you're not creating with love then don't create at all imo, and if you're creating with love then don't try to follow some strict outline or pre-plan every little detail cause then you'll get nowhere

| >>1027536
What if I don’t love anything, and I want to be someone who made money so I could help my loved ones, but I don’t give a shit about what I try?

| >>1027540 Is video game making an only way for you to earn money? surely not, try have sex with your roommate for advices.

| >>1027540
Then you go get an office job lmao
There's very little money in gamedev unless you're a CEO of a massive corporation. You won't earn shit from an indie project, and employees at corporations don't get paid shit. The 0.001% of indie games that pop off are usually ones that do so cause they're unique and inventive. You won't make anything unique or inventive with a corporate mindset
Working in fast food will get you more money for your time than whatever this is

| >>1027575
What this g/u/rl said. If you're lucky, there is enough money in gamedev to survive, but it's a lot of work with very few transferable skill. Just get a corporate job if you want money lmao.

| Thanks, sorry I wasn't actually OP. I meant more I don't create my wannabe corperate stuff with love haha. But I think it's really great you came here to give advice. I'm sorry for interjecting.

Is there some kinda positive twist I can put on this thread? does anyone have stories of making things they loved they'd like to reminisce about?

| >>1027607 we know you're not 50k, it pretty easy to notices

| >>1027611
*smooch* thanks for noticing me : )

| >>1027607
Ik you're not lol, and honestly since OP seems to have abandoned the thread talking about passion projects would be a cool idea

| In this current game I'm working on, I was hired to do the programming and I treated it as just a day job at first, like an office job (I worked for a fairly big company previously).

But now I get really attached to this game we're making, I want it to be good. The demo seems to do well in events. I hope we can make the whole thing and that people will like it...

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1726536395
