No Helldivers Discussions?

| Immediately Reported to Democracy Officer..

| ?

| game cost $40, it's kinda above the budget of most g/u/rls here

| >>1027173


| What is there even to discuss? It's horde mode with very little depth to its gameplay. OP, you'll have to be more specific and take care of your threads if you want to foster a discussion.

| It's just what if Starship Troopers had less story and more shooting aliens the game. Don't get me wrong, it's a cool little thing and the devs seem pretty chill, but there's nothing to really talk about. It doesn't say anything Starship Troopers didn't say 65yrs ago, and the gameplay is shoot things while doing simple objectives

| Why not just have sex, instead?

| >>1027173 SO TRUE! I waited for christmas every time I wanted a new game.

| My Life For SuperEarth1

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1726204496

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