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Va-11 appreciation

| I think the reason why I loved the game so much back in the day wasn't just because it slipped into this niche of nostalgia or novelty/memes but because by the end of it you really had a notion as to who kiri and ironic lark are as odd eccentric people.

In that sense the game feels more like a conversation with the developer about their thoughts and ideas about people and their world. But still maintains its own world simultaneously with tumor cat girls.

| Characters I disliked or ignored folded into to the work by the end as they sort of completed the view of the persons who made the game because they usually existed in a greater context.

The jam stuff is interesting too as you get the proper sense of what was kiri and what was larks input. The looming melancholy and the spastic mania.

I had a similar experience playing umineko/disco/cartlife and there's something about the artist being the art which just makes magic.

Sorry if this is a bit woo, woo.




| I skipped 90% of the game and only actually read in-game /u/

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1722996999

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