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have you heard of this hidden gem?

| an indie game with not enough people talking about it called wooden ocean? I played it and it was so good I have to look it up! but to my dismay, no one was talking about it on /v/! this bring shame to me, the gurl who only play hidden obscure no one talking about gem of an incredible rpg! So you should try it and talk about it!

| i am pomu le mouth fuck de elonma wooden stone

| >>1022590 wow it's pomu! :O

| Elona

| >>1022590 OMG Pomu!


| >>1022585 yes, it gives me same wood as this:


| Moar like a hiddin gim, imiriti? Imiriti filks?

| >>1022785 I don't get it

| >>1022844
thiri's nithing ti git

| >>1022892 no way, it must be some sort of wooden ocean reference

| More sacrifices for the blood altar!!

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1723257232

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