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I don't really like Elden Ring

| As a long time fromsoft fan I just don't really get the hype. There are things I like about it, but I mostly dislike the open world content and think the bosses are flashier than they are well designed. Like it just feels like the game is focused on cool looking special moves (especially with combat being so centered on ashes) rather than being clever and well telegraphed.

| I dont hate elden ring but i kind of get what you mean by the flashy moves. There are just some attacks that feel unreactable or out of place. I dont get how anyone can defend malenias flow form dance (or whatever those flurry of slashes are called) as a good move.

| As a ds2 fan

| >>1021390 ds2 is great actually. My favorite fromsoft soulslike and it's not even close.

| >>1021408 we should deep kiss

| Try elona

| Update after reaching the dlc'a final boss: the dlc was mostly really good but I didn't like anything from Messmer forward at all.

| Same g/u/rl, it's kinda sad tbh. Like, don't get me wrong, I do like the game, I probably have 100+ hours in the base game (haven't played or know anything about the DLC), but, tbh I can't really see myself replaying it ever. I tried to go through it again to have a decent save file for the DLC but it's just, boring? Once you've seen everything once there's nothing more to it really. I wish I liked it more, but it just lacks the things that I personally love about FromSoft RPGs

| I appreciate that they tried something new, and I understand why it has the mass appeal it does and why it's considered great, but I kinda wish they just cut down on content and kept it tight. Ringed City alone does so much of what ER does, but higher quality and in just a couple hours

| >>1021861 >>1021862 my thoughts exactly. It just has nothing bringing me back for more once I've experienced something already. I can replay the first Dark Souls dozens of times (and have). It's still such a weird and engaging game with so much charm and intrigue. Don't even get me started on DS2. It has so much to love. And DS3 while it's not my personal fave is still incredible and has the most fluid mechanics of the older souls games. Also just a perfect resolution thematically.

| >>1021863 but I just don't have any feelings like that towards Elden Ring. I don't particularly care to replay and re-experience it.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1722400289

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