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stop talking about elona!

| Ugh, can someone PLEASE tell this gurl to shut up about Elona already?! They're always going on and on about how great it is and how we all need to play it. Newsflash: I don't care about your stupid game and neither does anyone else here. We're trying to discuss important topics like stoneocean and 45., but no, this gurl has to hijack the thread with their Elona obsession. Can't they just leave us alone?!

| that was like 3 years ago

| >>1020792 according to this thread https://dangeru.us/v/thread/1019758 it's a new thing ppl hate on, idk I don't read on this site

| >>1020850 I agree with that gurl, 3 times more is not enough

| >nobody cares
>most discussed and praised game on the site

| >>0eed7c
r u retarded?

| >>1020850 Lurk more

Play Elona

| >>1020791
Opinion discarded.
Brb, going 2 play Elona

| Elona

| Literally none of you actually play elona

| elona

| >>1020957 counterpoint, I believe people here have more hours in elona than minutes in va11halla

| >>1021028 sound bout right

| >>1020957
I will never play elona because the autistic spamming left a bad taste in my mouth. How good can it be if only obnoxious people talk about it?

| >>1021097 Name of the first fandom it come up in your mind when you think about the word obnoxious?

| >>1021097
No way you're actually salty lol
The "spam" is literally just one word.

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1721868426

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