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what some nice tools to coding

| like helping you to code, generate code, even

maybe visually.

| Is it possible to maybe suck the knowledge out of a programmer? Like is there somewhere to easily find programmers, drain every drop from them, and have them explain and walk you through programming? I can’t sit still for reading or videos sigh

| >>1020749 ...i am the one asking here

| Factorio

| how so

| >>1020749 money can be exchanged for goods and services. programmers like to be crunched too so be sure to get your money's worth out of them

| That's called, "paying a programmer", op. Or if you're poor, you can try "making friends with a programmer".

| >>1020765
But what about sex? I mean to say sex with programmers that is.

| >>1020765
how much do they charge though? 40k? 50?

| Did we ever get a solid read on 50k,

| Just tell me if I can have sex with 50k

| >>1020749 I think you can definitely suck something out of them for sure but it wouldn't be coding knowledge

| Vim
I use arch btw

| >>1021171
Can I use vim to seduce programmer gurls?
Should I paint HJKL; on my house so they feel at home?


| >>1021272 Vim can do everything but why would you secuce anyone when you can recompile kernel?

Total number of posts: 16, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1722164538

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