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| Jesus fuck how it is fucking painful to play it and watch the cinematics starting from the second half of the game. Like I'm watching a 1000+ episodes long sope opera, just the same babbling again and again. Also puzzles mixed up with platforming elements, which makes it harder to beat even if you know the answer to the puzzle. Fuck, I haven't played anything this pqinful for a few years. But I'm too close to the ending to just quit it. Fuck.

| Soap opera

| *puts my cum in ur mouth*

| >>1020711
Nyaaaa kisses you

| just jerk off everytime Catherine is on screen
thats how I made it bearable

| ^ this fr fr

| It's funny how the poll answers have changed over time.
Go for the best ending!

| This is why we can't have nice things

| >>1020921 which is what, exactly

>>1020714 this fr fr

| shut up Catherine rocks git gud

| >>1021266
Initially, it was pretty much entirely pro-Catherine. Over time, Katherine slowly grew to the minor majority.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1721980305

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