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| https://store.steampowered.com/app/3014650/45_PARABELLUM_BLOODHOUND__Cyberpunk_Active_Time_Action/

Sukeban's next project looking great

| Very excited, can't wait to play it.

| peak fiction

| mid

sukeban's dropped this new gem with texhnolyze and ergo proxy vibe
can't wait to play it

| I wonder will it bring back to life /lain/ and /cyb/ though, would be cool ngl

| >>1020439 is hawk tuah lain not good enough for you

| Yeah it's cool but i fucking hate jrpg. It looks fucking lame. This really sucks. I'd prefer if they had no battle system at all, honestly.

| Also fucking signalis looks one hundred million times better generally. Though its fanbase is fucking fecies.

| What happened to that other game they were working on? It's been so long I don't immediately remember the name of it

| >>1020404
Nice to see it's finally on Steam. Instantly wishlisted

| Add sex.

| >>1020457
waah waaah

| >>1020457
JRPG doko?

| Damn this looks fucking amazing???

| ngl I'm a bit worried how they're juggling this and N1RV AN-A which was announced, what six wholeass years ago? Hopefully this one won't take as long to release

| Genuinely looks really cool! I'll withhold judgement until I've actually played it though.

| Wait, it's real?!?

I remember seeing that one screenshot previewed waaaay long ago!!!

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1721539960

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