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is splatoon people are loli

| yes or no?

| >splatoon

| i feel like some of them probably are, i've stumbled across a little too much fanart of the characters that's borderline lewd.

| No. That's insane. You're insane. Get help, OP.

| I'm struggling to decipher what this question is

| The player characters get a bit older with each game, but not so much so that they can't still be called squid-kids.

| >>1020229 dude i was just asking... maybe you are insane? 100%

| First you have to ask yourself; is it a kid or a squid?

| did someone mention children??!?!! uooohhhhhh ToT female brat little kiddy pussy uwoooohhhh

| >>1020345 i dunno man

| >>1020359 Well... there's only one way to find out, isn't there?

| >>1020384

| >>1020396 Yes. I've heard some reputable dataminers say that the next game in the franchise is to be a surgery-focused spin-off.

| >>1020399
Checks out. It's the only direction that would make sense for the franchise from a business perspective

| This post has the same energy as "Does Bruna Mara Is Gay"

| so what im hearing
is youre either committing minecraft youtuber
or bestiality

| >>1020538 the very first commercial for the first game in this game series asked you if you're fucking a squid or if you're fucking a kid, for in truth, not even nintendo knows. this is not new

| Schrödinger's Squid.

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1721447164

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