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| there is a dumb popularity spike that's used for trading.
Basically how gatcha also works by making slot machine less suspicious to approach.

| >inb4
>abusing on dumb people is fine, nobody is forcing them lmao
>I'm rich lol

| i sold my galaxynana for around 22€ when i believed that value will fall ;-;

| i wrote python code to click for me and now im a millionaire~

| I love sex.

| >>1016552 >she doesn't eat her bananas

| abusing on dumb people is fine, nobody is forcing them lmao
I'm rich lol

| abusing dumb people is fine, nobody is forcing them lmao
I'm rich lol

| They're obviously manipulating the prices on the market somehow, right? Bananas wouldn't raise in price that much otherwise.

| Like how they usually do in any audiction?
Probably, it'd take no effort after all.
Hell, they may as well use any sort of old business trick they can google out.
They're selling a pngs based on a humoristic view of an item when isolated.
Nothing is sacred in this world and people would sell you even the air if there was a way to limit it from you and a way to force a fake belief around it.

| >>1016620 also i was 1 minute late to get crypticnana, it's hurt a lot

| >>1016968 it's as CS economy or anything.. if is there a lot of them (and most do) they costs 3 cents.. if they are rare (for example only 100, 25 in existence) they are unique and there won't be more which makes them valuable. Seller can make high price, and person what want it don't have other choice, it's why CS knifes costs that much too..

| honestly it's somehow "predictable", prices will fall once banana won't be popular, i made mistake because i didn't know it will become rival 3-4 weeks back

| I have a better topic, was it fun to play in this small market game?
Basically, like how any MMO works in endgame stages.

| >>491ffb
I can tell you eat a lot of bananas.

| >>1017100 LOLLOLOLOLOOOOL I totally get the joke! XDXD You use banana cuz it's on theme with the topic discussed here but you're actually pinning it as the BANANA that the boys have to deal with, like ROFL! asdasdasd

| >>1017120
Nope, I refered to his low IQ.

| how boring

| >>1017138
Projecting much lol

| It's the art market but for the poor's and masks the waste of time

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1719098021

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