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Any way to spot the differences

| What's a relitable way to get know when to drop someone who's into vg just for the social interactions and reactions they can get, to know your spots easier?
On other side, a way to figure out if someone who has genuine interest for the vgs but lacks the initial trigger? x/

| Try plaping them

| I'd rather not be obligated to take responsibility for their body if possible

| Try plaping them mentally

| >>1016441 or spiritually

| Who tf shorten video games to "vg"

| >>1016659 Right? Puts me in mind of vgperson. Though I guess the vg there probably stands for video game, now that I think about it.

| Plap

| >>1016659
Kids and young teenagers often abbrevate like this

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1718828671

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