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Nightmare Kart

| Anyone playing the not!Bloodborne racing game? It's surprisingly fun

| I am playing!! Its very well made. I still listen to the soundtracks while driving.

| You mean bloodborne kart?

| how difficult is it?

| Saw my friend playing it the other day and plan to give it a shot soon. Looks cool, and seems to have had quite a shift in style from its prequel games (Garfield Kart, and Garfield Kart: Furious Racing).

| >>1016090 something between bloodborne and mario kart

| I wanna play it so bad!! Been following the development since the april fools joke, and it looks so fun!!

| >>1016211 you can play it right there: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2930160/Nightmare_Kart/

| >>1016213
Yh I'm aware g/u/rl. There's other reasons why I can't rn, but I will when I can, and I appreciate the thought <3

| >>1016213 You don't even need to download it from Steam to play it. You need only watch the trailer, extrapolate what the entire game is like based on what you see, close your eyes, and imagine.

| >>1016222
It's also on itch.io

| >>1016223 this is what I do with yo mama

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1718399482

This thread is permanently archived