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| https://dangeru.us/v/thread/1013267#comment-1013642

I don't like idiots and wasting time so I ll just say how much of a garbage the last comment is but I gus you barely speak English like most of everyone in this site

| >I don't like idiots and wasting time

| ok Komet. actually kill yourself.

| Do you need a definition of "actually"? it mean to do it for real. when I tell you to kill yourself, I mean for you to literally off yourself, commit suicide, make your body physically unable to function, etc, etc. bunuh diri, bunuh diri, do you understand?

| >>1014304 wow how basic. Learn English again
>>1014305 learn kamus besar bahasa Indonesia maybe you cunt

| >Acts like an idiot and wastes time

| What a sad fucking life

| >>1014342 >>1014304 why u both including bahasa there?

| >>1014345 the only way you read, clearly, given your limited affinity to any genius you fail to express excitingly in your own space

I say fuck off and get a life, like actually, finally

>>1014351 "you can say that again "

| why is this thread a thing?

| >>1014445 they miss me more than they miss English or motherland

| to each their priorities... ^^'

| >>1014445 because maid are gone for so long, this mentally inept that "don't like wasting time" can dig up their old delusional thread to talk about again.

| maaaaaaaiiiiiidssss the peenoise are fighting agaaaaaaiiiin

| >>1014715 *fucks your mouth*

| bunch of useless twerps

| >>1014830 average summary of danger/u/

though i am quite saddened and concerned for op's parental situation for them feeling the need to open another thread just to try and call someone out for harming their ego

are you okay, op? who hurt you? i know you might feel like you need to doll out that pain to feel better, but we can figure this out together and help you move on. your past doesn't have to define you as a person, especially not what happened to you as a child.

| >>1014833
>Acts based but wastes time

| >>1014839 confatulations for revealing to us peasants the truth, danger/u/ is made to waste time

*fucks your mouth*

| >>2c7a13 >>1014865 allways good to fish out the boneheads. :>>>>

| ^ christ-chan moment. is this retard for real? lmao

| Where's the vidya

Total number of posts: 22, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1717348323

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