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Prefering lower Res textures

| I feel like HD Texture packs for some old games can look uncanny?
Even at it's best where they actually made an effort to interpret the og team's intended feel there still like a lack of cohesion for me.
Devs out of neccesity were more willing to let you interpret what your looking at. Baking lights and/or transparency layers to textures to bs stuff the console couldn't actually do and that often gets lost in HD remasters.


| True, sometimes these "updated graphics" end up making the game look weird or ugly. Ive pmayed a little bit of the first halo buy ive heard the remaster of that game (or the hd update) made the game look worse and sometimes enemies were harder to spot because they would mesh into the background

| But ive heard*

| Laziness and lack artistic memes, sh3 remake and p3. Just raised the brightness and got rid of fog and gradients.

I think there's something specific about PS2 transparency which is difficult to work with.

| Ohh another lowres member as i see, are you also fan of japanese goblins?

| as usual, limitations give more interest to be creative for displaying the atmosphere.
when it's 4k, a remaster sucks balls! A proper 4k would be a overdesigned layed over another overdesigned layer etc. till every pixel can give a specific mood.

| to simply put, technology has gone far too fast for the devs to keep up. There aren't going to be enough large teams to make up for the latest high quality you can buy.

| something or someone should kill this AAA 8k games expectations that need to be made.
It's basically trying to kill an horse and keep beating it to dead as if it was a pinata, but only blood and organs will be the realistic outcome.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1716761724

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