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| How to create interesting game idea that will make blockbuster sales?
Like planning length, size, content, and assure it to be finishable? Also hitting the minimum quality needed to make sales

| How to create interesting game idea that will make blockbuster sales?
Like planning length, size, content, and assure it to be finishable? Also hitting the minimum quality needed to make sales

| Buster

| worm odyssey

| in order to make that interesting game, just make something. just start making.

start small, and hone your craft over time

personally, i started at the "10 minutes a day" approach to just creating 3d models, then an idea to do something with those models hit

i got with a buddy who knows how to code in order to learn, and now we're making whats probably gonna be a shit indie, but we're makin' it anyway

maybe it takes off, and if it doesnt, then we go again

iterate and improve

| you might not break the charts with your first big creation, and thats okay

just go again, you have more experience now

and don't be afraid to take big risks - a lot of genres are getting stale so if you want to make your mark, make that mark uniquely yours.

and if that risk ends up with your game getting little traction? thats alright.

just go again.

| >>1012987 wut?
>>1013016 i could say art is taken care so maybe its about feature, attarction value, code, length and content itself.

whicj seems like real calculation and actually doable but i am not math head at all so how then

| >>1013020 east wind blow, build a road of sand with your mudded fists. stand atop a mountain of your own corpses with jaded tube. seek the fish, pulled the rod yet refused to net. generate infinite amount of traffic under the pretense of theatrical wonder; on a spectrum yet without med. and without cure, the only way out is the long silence. That is not hard, yet we failed once again. may you curse this world, for I shall live to burn corp off this wicked field.

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1715200279

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