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i will make nirvana

| i dont think sukeban will make it i want to. i think of calling it n3rvana because i like my favorite anime neon genesis evangelion it will be inspirational. what is your idea?

| elona

| I hate it, let Kirin and Fer cook

| >>1012234 plus the rest of the team now!

| Go for it

| what is your idea? my idea is a sequel to jill stingray on a new bar. i think it will be very fun to continue her story! what is your idea?

| kick dorothy from the game

| hmm. it is an idea. i wonder on jill stingrays adventure without dorothy. who knows! exciting. it is an idea.

| >>1012394 no you should call it va11 halla 2 then

| va-12 halla

| I mean fuck it, actually do it, the devs promoted porn and a fan game basically a Gill fanfic. I don't think they'd care if someone made an unofficial nirvana.

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1714783061

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