Made a discovery Custom Stories???

| So I just posted on Steam about this and again it might already be known.

But I was messing about in Valhalla and had the idea to look at the scripts again and I tried something I edited the scripts and went into the Anna demo and it worked I got Dana to appear at the beginning of it and I got Jill to say "Honk." and even the weird screen shake when Jill screams seeing Danaa in the helmet I got to happen as well.

If im right we could be making whole new stories right now!

| Is this Rei? If so fuck off

| >>1012004 nah, no shot this is Rei. Rei already knows all that and doesn't speak as coherently.

>>1012001 congrats on the discovery g/u/rl! We're excited to see what you'll do! You can make memes, and entire stories. It's a bit of a pain to work in, but is honestly really cool lol.

| >>664d50 i am not Rei nor do i know that name off the top of my head. Imma assume they have a track record?

| Honk.

Total number of posts: 5, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1714093544

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