Favorite Minecraft servers?

| What's a good server that you spent a lot of time on on MC?
For me I spent a lot of time on Minewind back in like 2017 or so. I tried visiting it recently but it's not an anarchy server anymore. Still have fond memories of that style of game.

| I spent on a lot of time on The Hive a really long time ago, was pretty fun

| I was thinking more of survival servers but that works as well

| Danger/u/'s

| A few years back my friends and I had a server called "penis church." Now whenever I reminisce about Minecraft I've no choice to lead with "Why, back in penis church..."

| >>1011264 The Hive had a survival part back then, it was actually only survival besides like a couple minigames I think at that time

| >>1011267 there's a danger/u/ MC server?

| >>1011267 danger/u/ have minecraft server?!?

| >>1011267 woah theres a minecraft server????

| >>1011267 danger/u/ does have it's own minecraft server????? fr??

| Hive and some of the other big mini-game ones I used to play a lot. The most played would probably be this normal survival surver my dad set up for me though, cause I'd just be flying around observing what my classmates were doing, and the drama that happened in Minecraft would be present irl the next school day (even to the point of violence in some cases), so it was very juicy. Very entertaining and I think it genuinely thought me a lot about human behaviour

| *server lmao

Total number of posts: 12, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1713352590

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